AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The House-Museum of the writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky in Tarusa (Kaluga region), the history of its acquisition and the interior of the house, the walls of which are decorated with paintings by the youngest son of the writer artist A.K. Paustovsky, are described. It is noted that the peculiarity of Paustovsky’s house is that round-shaped ovens in a metal casing made of galvanized steel painted black were used for heating, and not just a traditional dutch oven. The thermal efficiency of such ovens is ensured by their constructive solution, the presence of an internal chamber and a chamber with a lifting well, through which the heated gas rises up between two parallel operating lowering wells, as well as a gradual decrease in the thickness of the wall, starting from the fireplace. The calculation of the amount of heat supplied from the oven to the room, developed by the authors, is given, which takes into account the components of the convective radiant heat transfer of the oven surface. The average coefficient of convective heat transfer is determined based on the solutions of criterion equations for the turbulent mode of air movement near the oven surface. The radiant heat exchange coefficient of a cylindrical oven in a black iron casing is determined based on the solutions of the equations of radiant heat transfer between the oven and the surfaces of the room. This made it possible to obtain the value of the average heat transfer of the oven. The comparison of average heat transfer values showed that with a one-time heating with a period of 24 hours, 1,5 times more heat enters the room from a cylindrical oven in an iron casing, painted black, than from a cylindrical oven with a galvanized iron casing.
P.N. UMNYAKOV1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor;
N.P. UMNYAKOVA2,3, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
V.A. SMIRNOV2,3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
N.P. UMNYAKOVA2,3, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
V.A. SMIRNOV2,3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
1 Restoration Art Institute (3, bldg. 4 Gorodok imeni Baumana Street, Moscow, 105037, Russian Federation)
2 Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (21, Lokomotivny Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)
3 National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)
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10. Umnyakova N.P. Osobennosti ucheta klimaticheskikh vozdeistvii pri proektirovanii ograzhdayushchikh konstruktsii [Features of taking into account climatic influences in the design of enclosing structures]. Moscow: Neolith, 2018. 160 p.
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2. Mastera Sovetskogo iskusstva. A.B. Kuprin [Masters of Soviet Art. A.B. Kuprin]. Moscow – Leningrad: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1950. 50 p.
3. Asche G.M. Teplootdacha otopitel’nykh pechei i raschet pechnogo otopleniya [Heating and ventilation]. Moscow: Gosstroyizdat, 1937. 718 p.
4. Semenov L.A. Teplootdacha otopitel’nykh pechei i raschet pechnogo otopleniya [Heat transfer of heating furnaces and calculation of furnace heating]. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1943. 80 p.
5. Mikheeva M.A., Mikheeva I.M. Osnovy teploperedachi [Fundamentals of heat transfer]. Moscow: Energy, 1973. 317 p.
6. Isachenko V.P., Osipova V.A., Sukomel A.S. Teploperedacha [Heat transfer]. Moscow: Energiya, 1975. 475 p.
7. Umnyakov P.N. Teploperedacha [Thermal and ecological comfort]. Moscow: Forum, 2009. 440 p.
8. Bogoslovsky V.N. Stroitel’naya teplotekhnika [Construction heat engineering]. Moscow: AVOK, 2006. 400 p.
9. Fokin K.F. Stroitel’naya teplotekhnika ograzhdayushchikh chastei zdanii [Construction heat engineering of enclosing parts of buildings]. Moscow: AVOK-Press, 2006. 251 p.
10. Umnyakova N.P. Osobennosti ucheta klimaticheskikh vozdeistvii pri proektirovanii ograzhdayushchikh konstruktsii [Features of taking into account climatic influences in the design of enclosing structures]. Moscow: Neolith, 2018. 160 p.
11. Al’bom otopitel’nykh pechei № 253 [Album of heating furnaces No. 253]. Moscow: Glavn. Military-builds. management. under the SNK of the USSR, 1940.
12. Karabanov L.A., Samarin N.I. Al’bom otopitel’nykh pechei, sushilok, plit i pishchevarnykh ochagov [Album of heating stoves, dryers, stoves and cooking fires]. Moscow: Voenproekt SKU Red Army, 1936. 18 p.
13. Antonova G.V. Types of furnaces for a residential building: the device of a Russian furnace. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2004. No. 10, pp. 14–16. (In Russian).
14. Reznichenko T.Yu. Problems of preservation of furnace heating in wooden buildings of the late XIX – early XX century in the city of Tomsk. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel’nogo universiteta. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 1, pp. 63–74. (In Russian).
15. Bondarenko I.A. Again about the origins of the tradition of diagonal construction of the plan of the Russian hut. Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo. 2020. No. 73, pp. 5–23. (In Russian).
For citation: Umnyakov P.N., Umnyakova N.P., Smirnov V.A. Features of the heating system of the House-Museum of K.G. Paustovsky in Tarusa. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2022. No. 6, pp. 44–49. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2022-6-44-49