AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The main problems, associated with the preservation and restoration of monuments of architectural heritage of the city studied, are identified. Special attention is paid to the identity of regional architecture and the planning structure of the territory within the boundaries of a historical settlement of regional significance. The importance of preserving the architectural heritage in the moral education of the present and future generations was noted. The article highlights the issues of relations between various state authorities and the public. Architectural heritage monuments, both restored and irretrievably lost, as well as those in unsatisfactory condition, are considered. Great importance is given not only to the preservation of architectural heritage objects, but also to the preservation of historically valuable city-forming buildings and structures that form the historical environment. The practical significance lies in the fact that the research materials can be used as recommendations in the formation of programs for the preservation of this heritage.
O.S. SUBBOTIN, Doctor Architecture, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin (13, Kalinina Street, Krasnodar, 350044, Russian Federation)
1. Subbotin O.S. Pamyatniki arkhitekturnogo naslediya Tobol’ska [Monuments of the architectural heritage of Tobolsk]. Zhilishnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2011. No. 10, pp. 48–50. (In Russian).
2. Bardadym V.P. Arkhitektura Ekaterinodara [Ekaterinodar’s architecture]. Krasnodar: Sovetskaya Kuban’. 2002. 256 p.
3. Subbotin O.S. Problems of preservation of architectural and town-planning heritage in the conditions of a modern city (on the example of Krasnodar). Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 35–40. (In Russian).
4. Ekaterinodar–Krasnodar: Dva veka goroda v datakh, sobytiyakh, vospominaniyakh...: materialy k Letopisi [Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar: Two centuries of the city in dates, events, memories: ... materials to the Annals]. Krasnodar: Book publishing house. 1993. 800 p.
5. Fedosyuk Yu.A. Moskva v kol’tse Sadovykh [Moscow in the Sadovyh ring]. Moscow: Moskovskiy rabochiy. 1983. 447 p.
6. Bondar V.V., Markova O.N. Portret starogo goroda. Yekaterinodar na starinnykh otkrytkakh [Portrait of the old city. Yekaterinodar on old postcards]. Krasnodar: Publisher I. Platonov. 2011. 128 p.
7. Subbotin O.S. History of the architecture of Orthodox churches of the Black Sea coast of Russia. Zhilishnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 10, pp. 18–22. (In Russian).
8. Kolesnikov A.G. Operetta v Krasnodare: letopis’ tvorcheskogo puti: vospominaniya [Operetta in Krasnodar: chronicle of the creative path: memoirs]. Moscow: Teatralis. 2005. 367 p.
9. Kuban’ v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny 1941–1945 [Kuban during the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945]. Krasnodar: Periodicals of the Kuban. 2005. 304 p.
10. Shakhova G.S. Ulitsy Krasnodara rasskazyvayut: v Karasunskom kute [The streets of Krasnodar tell: in the Karasunsky kut]. Krasnodar: Publishing and printing complexed. 2007. 196 p.
11. Subbotin O.S. Noble estates, mansions and villas in the structure of Kuban settlements (XIX–XX centuries). Zhilishnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 7, pp. 36–40. (In Russian).
12. Kuban’ starozavetnaya [Old Testament Kuban]. Krasnodar: Tradition. 2012. 324 p.
13. Gangur N.A. Material’naya kul’tura Kubanskogo kazachestva [Material culture of the Kuban Cossacks]. Krasnodar: Tradition. 2009. Vol. 1. 288 p.
14. Subbotin O.S. Vazhneyshiye etapy osvoyeniya Kubani i strategiya yeye razvitiya [The most important stages in the development of the Kuban and the strategy of its development]. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 2–2, pp. 14–18. (In Russian).
2. Bardadym V.P. Arkhitektura Ekaterinodara [Ekaterinodar’s architecture]. Krasnodar: Sovetskaya Kuban’. 2002. 256 p.
3. Subbotin O.S. Problems of preservation of architectural and town-planning heritage in the conditions of a modern city (on the example of Krasnodar). Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 7, pp. 35–40. (In Russian).
4. Ekaterinodar–Krasnodar: Dva veka goroda v datakh, sobytiyakh, vospominaniyakh...: materialy k Letopisi [Ekaterinodar-Krasnodar: Two centuries of the city in dates, events, memories: ... materials to the Annals]. Krasnodar: Book publishing house. 1993. 800 p.
5. Fedosyuk Yu.A. Moskva v kol’tse Sadovykh [Moscow in the Sadovyh ring]. Moscow: Moskovskiy rabochiy. 1983. 447 p.
6. Bondar V.V., Markova O.N. Portret starogo goroda. Yekaterinodar na starinnykh otkrytkakh [Portrait of the old city. Yekaterinodar on old postcards]. Krasnodar: Publisher I. Platonov. 2011. 128 p.
7. Subbotin O.S. History of the architecture of Orthodox churches of the Black Sea coast of Russia. Zhilishnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 10, pp. 18–22. (In Russian).
8. Kolesnikov A.G. Operetta v Krasnodare: letopis’ tvorcheskogo puti: vospominaniya [Operetta in Krasnodar: chronicle of the creative path: memoirs]. Moscow: Teatralis. 2005. 367 p.
9. Kuban’ v gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny 1941–1945 [Kuban during the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945]. Krasnodar: Periodicals of the Kuban. 2005. 304 p.
10. Shakhova G.S. Ulitsy Krasnodara rasskazyvayut: v Karasunskom kute [The streets of Krasnodar tell: in the Karasunsky kut]. Krasnodar: Publishing and printing complexed. 2007. 196 p.
11. Subbotin O.S. Noble estates, mansions and villas in the structure of Kuban settlements (XIX–XX centuries). Zhilishnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2013. No. 7, pp. 36–40. (In Russian).
12. Kuban’ starozavetnaya [Old Testament Kuban]. Krasnodar: Tradition. 2012. 324 p.
13. Gangur N.A. Material’naya kul’tura Kubanskogo kazachestva [Material culture of the Kuban Cossacks]. Krasnodar: Tradition. 2009. Vol. 1. 288 p.
14. Subbotin O.S. Vazhneyshiye etapy osvoyeniya Kubani i strategiya yeye razvitiya [The most important stages in the development of the Kuban and the strategy of its development]. Vestnik MGSU. 2011. No. 2–2, pp. 14–18. (In Russian).
For citation: Subbotin O.S. Architectural heritage of Krasnodar not forgotten: lost and restored. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2021. No. 1–2, pp. 18–25. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2021-1-2-18-25