Research of the Humidity Conditions of External Walls Using Light Steel Thin-Walled Structures

Number of journal: 7-2023

Bessonov I.V.,
Gradova O.V.,
Govryakov I.S.,
Gorbunova E.A.

УДК: 624.014.2


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Systems of application of light steel thin-walled structures have existed for more than half a century and serve primarily for the construction of frame buildings of various purposes in the shortest possible time with minimal resources. However, during this time, there have not been enough research carried out on the insulation and acoustic parameters of such structures. The objective of this research is to investigate the heat-protection properties of thin-walled, light steel structures. The article presents the results of calculation of the temperature-humidity regime in a year-long cycle of operation with determination of condensation zone of frame-sheathing walls from light steel thin-walled constructions with and without the use of vapor insulation layer. Computer modeling for the conditions of the city of Moscow of moisture distribution in the thickness of the structure, moisture accumulation over five years of operation was carried out. Thermograms of the operated object are presented. It has been established that without a vapor barrier layer in a frame-sheathing wall made of light steel thin-walled structures, the maximum moisture in the first year (during the period of greater moisture) of operation is 29 wt. % in the heat-insulating layer. In the second year there is an increase in the maximum humidity to 34% of the mass. In the following years (up to 5 years) the maximum humidity does not exceed 34% of mass. With the use of steam insulation, the maximum humidity during the second year of operation is approximately equal to the operational humidity for the “stone fiber plate” with a density range from 80 to 125 kg/m3,Wb = 5%; according to reference data SP 50.13330.2012 “Thermal protection of buildings” Annex T. The first year of operation 5%, the second year 5.6%.
I.V. BESSONOV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
O.V. GRADOVA1, Head of Sector “Acoustic Materials and Constructions” (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
I.S. GOVRYAKOV1,2, Engineer, Magister (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
E.A. GORBUNOVA1,2, Engineer, Magister (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)
2 National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Bessonov I.V., Gradova O.V., Govryakov I.S., Gorbunova E.A. Research of the humidity conditions of external walls using light steel thin-walled structures. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2023. No. 7, pp. 21–27. (In Russian). DOI: