Reliability of a Built-in Underground Structure under the Impact of an Air Shock Wave

Number of journal: 1-2-2023

Mkrtychev O.V.,
Savenkov A.Yu.

УДК: 69.035.4


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Studies show that explosive impacts have a pronounced random character, therefore, it is possible to talk about the stability of buildings and structures to such impacts only with a certain degree of probability. An assessment of the reliability of the built-in underground structure was performed, taking into account the random nature of the initial impact of an air shock wave, as well as the random strength of materials. For this purpose, a deterministic solution of the problem of calculating a underground structure built-in in the lower floor of a multi-storey building when exposed to an air shock wave, taking into account the collapse of the overlying structures, is obtained. The solution of the deterministic problem was carried out with the help of the gas-dynamic approach using nonlinear dynamic methods, which make it possible to solve such problems in a more rigorous and complete formulation, in contrast to the equivalent static methods used in regulatory documents. In this case, mathematical models of soils were used, which make it possible to most accurately reproduce the dynamic behavior of dense and water-saturated soils, as well as nonlinear models of materials. Reliability assessment was carried out using the methods of the theory of reliability of building structures and probability theory. The results of the calculation showed that the developed technique makes it possible to design built-in underground structures with a set level of reliability.
O.V. MKRTYCHEV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering),
A.Yu. SAVENKOV, Postgraduate Student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Mkrtychev O.V., Savenkov A.Yu. Reliability of a built-in underground structure under the impact of an air shock wave. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2023. No. 1–2, pp. 71–74. (In Russian). DOI: