Methodology for Calculating the Brightness of Building Facades under Local Architectural Lighting

Number of journal: 7-2023

Shmarov I.A.,
Zemtsov V.V.

УДК: 628.921


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article discusses the method of calculating the brightness of building facades under local architectural lighting. Local lighting of facades of buildings is the allocation of decorative architectural elements, piers between windows, individual sites by light. The main purpose of such lighting is to attract attention to the architectural decoration of the facade of the building and the formation of a favorable visual perception of the building in the dark time of the day. Local LED architectural lighting is characterized by low power consumption and low uniformity of brightness distribution along the facade of the building. These features require different approaches to normalizing the uniformity of the brightness distribution along the facade of the building. A method for calculating the brightness distribution for local architectural lighting, implemented using office programs like Excel, is proposed. The technique uses the properties of the symmetry of the distribution of the light flux from the emitter in space. The distribution of brightness (illumination) along the facade is represented by the program in the form of brightness (illumination) isolines on the facade area allocated by light. The use of this technique makes it possible, without the use of complex computer programs, to calculate the brightness and its distribution along the facade of the building, to select the necessary power of the lighting device to ensure the normalized brightness of the facade.
I.A SHMAROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
V.V. ZEMTSOV, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Shmarov I.A., Zemtsov V.V. Methodology for calculating the brightness of building facades under local architectural lighting. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2023. No. 7, pp. 47–51. (In Russian). DOI: