Eco-Sustainable Trends in the Development of Reserve Housing in Conditions of Social Conflict

Number of journal: 1-2-2023

Kizilova S.A.

УДК: 332.832.22


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
In response to political instability in the world, the direction of reserve architecture in the conditions of social conflict is being developed. The focus of the research is the concept of temporary housing for refugees, the requirements for which are rapidly changing due to technological progress and rising expectations regarding the basic level of housing comfort. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main trends that form the range of implemented and conceptual proposals in the architecture of temporary shelters for migrants, which have emerged in recent years. The place of reserve housing for migrants in the structure of modern architectural science is determined. A branch of refugee housing concept is logically connected to the existing areas of mobile, prefabricated and reserve housing. A number of modern concepts and projects that have been implemented were analyzed in order to identify the main trends in the architecture of the reserve housing in the context of social conflict. System analysis revealed the following trends: the desire to minimize the space occupied by the shelter; equipping the dwelling with life support systems that provide the energy autonomy of the building; the use of recycled materials in the construction and in the interior decoration of the house; the desire to simplify the process of building a home for users. It is concluded that the identified trends are often applied in combination and united by the direction of eco-sustainability in architecture. The research materials can be useful for theoretical forecasting and practical developments on the topic of innovative housing for refugees.
S.А. KIZILOVA, Candidate of Architecture (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) (11/4, Rozhdestvenka Street, Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Kizilova S.A. Eco-sustainable trends in the development of reserve housing in conditions of social conflict. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2023. No. 1–2, pp. 13–18. (In Russian). DOI: