Accounting of Sun Protection Devices when Calculating Natural Lighting of Premises

Number of journal: 8-2023

Kupriyanov V.N.

УДК: 692.833


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Sun protection devices of various types are used to ensure the sun protection of premises. Sun protection devices shield part of the solar energy and reduce overheating of the premises. At the same time, sun protection devices shade the light openings, thereby reducing the level of natural lighting of the premises. The current regulatory documents on sun protection and natural lighting practically do not take into account the loss of light in sun protection devices. In this regard, taking into account the loss of light in sun protection devices in order to ensure the normalized illumination of premises is an urgent task. The purpose of this work is to develop methods of accounting for sun protection devices in the design of natural lighting of premises. As a result of the research, a new concept was introduced, “the coefficient of openness of the sky of sun protection devices”, which shows the proportion of light that has passed through sun protection devices, and a method for determining it was developed. It is shown that the geometric coefficient of natural illumination for rooms with sun protection devices can be determined by the traditional method of Danilyuk graphs by enlarging their scale. The research results are illustrated with graphical and numerical examples.
V.N. KUPRIANOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)

Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (1, Zelenaya Street, Kazan, 420043, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Kupriyanov V.N. Accounting for sun protection devices when calculating natural lighting of premises. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2023. No. 8, pp. 28–36. (In Russian). DOI: