The Role of the Employer in Maintaining the Health of Employees. Implementation of a Corporate Program to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle at the Enterprise

Number of journal: 3-2022

Ryzhkov M.G.

УДК: 331.4


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
In recent years, the state of public health protection systems in Russia has been assessed as critical. Dissatisfaction is caused both by the quality of medical services, their growing cost, and the results of treatment. As a result, there is a high mortality rate of the working-age population from chronic non-communicable diseases: cardiovascular, oncology, diabetes and a number of others. For example, mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases for every 100 thousand people in the whole of the Russian Federation exceed 620, and in the Belgorod region – 750. It is noted that the social responsibility of business is a concern for the preservation and strengthening of the health of employees of the enterprise. Investments in the health of employees (no more than 1% of the profit) in the near future will make it possible to additionally receive up to 10% to the same profit, with the deduction of huge funds to budgets.
M.G. RYZHKOV, Director

OOO “Medtsentr ZHBK-1” (5, Kommunalnaya Street, Belgorod, 308000, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Ryzhkov M.G. The role of the employer in maintaining the health of employees. Implementation of a corporate program to promote a healthy lifestyle at the enterprise. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2022. No. 3, pp. 16–20. (In Russian). DOI: