In Case of Natural Hazards, Mass Residential Buildings Should Protect People’s Lives and Health

Number of journal: 5-2022

Maslyaev A.V.

УДК: 699.841


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
According to research by medical scientists, most people in earthquake-resistant buildings receive severe mental trauma during an earthquake, which within about 30 days can exacerbate their existing diseases or accelerate the manifestation of diseases to which they were predisposed. At the same time, scientists already know: according to the research of seismologists, builders, the main danger to human health in buildings during an earthquake comes mainly from the vibration level of their structures, and in case of fire, especially in buildings with halls, from the length of escape routes to open safe space; according to research by construction scientists, the number of people with mental trauma will be the smallest only in buildings in which the intensity of a real earthquake will manifest itself by about two points less than their calculated seismic effects. However, in federal laws and regulations of the Russian Federation of construction content, the very recognition of people as the main object of protection in buildings under hazardous natural influences is absent.
A.V. MASLYAEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Research Seismic Laboratory (27, bldg. A, 51, Zemlyachki Street, 400117, Volgograd, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Maslyaev A.V. In case of natural hazards, mass residential buildings should protect people’s lives and health. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2022. No. 5, pp. 44–52. (In Russian). DOI: