Deformational Calculation of Cable-Stayed Structures of Sports Facilities Coverings

Number of journal: 10-2022

Buzalo N.A.,
Ponomarev R.R.,
Smirnov V.A.

УДК: 725.8


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The significant role of the safe functioning of especially responsible facilities is noted. The theory of static calculation of geometrically nonlinear cable-stayed systems is considered. . The main content of the study is an analysis of the feasibility and prospects of using analytical and numerical methods of deformation calculation of hanging and cable-stayed systems. The basic matrix equation of calculation for a flat rod system of cable-stayed covering is given. The main software and computing complexes used for the design of large-span structures are described.
N.A. BUZALO1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
R.R. PONOMAREV1, Master, Postgraduate (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
V.A. SMIRNOV2,3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

1 South Russian State Polytechnic University named after M.I. Platov (132, Prosveshcheniya Street, Novocherkassk, 346428, Rostov Region, Russian Federation)
2 Researh Institute of Building Physics, Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (21, Lokomotivniy proezd, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)
3 National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Buzalo N.A., Ponomarev R.R., Smirnov V.A. Deformational calculation of cable-stayed structures of sports facilities coverings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2022. No. 10, pp. 46–49. (In Russian). DOI: