The Arrangement of a Modified Soil Layer with Specified Physical and Mechanical Characteristics at the Construction of Multi-Storey Buildings

Number of journal: 9-2021

Zuev S.S.,
Zaytseva E.V.,
Makovetsky O.A.

УДК: 624.15


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Time and current circumstances dictate the need to move from horizontal to vertical zoning of urban space, which is able to ensure the formation of a comfortable residential and industrial environment, based on the deep-spatial organization of the entire system of objects. The practice of modern construction has shown that the use of traditional foundation structures when constructing buildings on weak water-saturated soils is often a technically complex and economically inefficient solution. In this case, the construction of artificially improved bases is required. The article deals with the issues of the construction of an artificial base with the specified physical and mechanical characteristics: determination and experimental confirmation of the technology of forming a rigid reinforcing element in the ground with the projected geometric and physico-mechanical characteristics; determination of the effective characteristics of the soil mass reinforced with rigid vertical elements; quantitative determination of the VAT of the interaction of reinforced geomass with the surrounding soil during new construction and at its installation in the base of an existing building.
S.S. ZUEV1, Deputy General Director;
E.V. ZAYTSEVA2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Head of the Design Department;
O.A. MAKOVETSKY3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

1 AO “New Ground” (35, Kronshtadskaya Strrt, Perm, 614081, Russian Federation)
2 ZAO “GORPROJECT” (5, bldg. 5A, Nizhny Susalny Lane, Moscow, 105064, Russian Federation)
3 Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614000, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Zuev S.S., Zaytseva E.V., Makovetsky O.A. The arrangement of a modified soil layer with specified physical and mechanical characteristics at the construction of multi-storey buildings. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2021. No. 9, pp. 17–26. (In Russian). DOI: