Possible Differences in the Standard and Actual Values of Natural Illumination Caused by Not Taking Into Account the Actual Cloud Conditions

Number of journal: 6-2021

Gorbarenko E.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2021-6-42-50
УДК: 551.521.16


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The meteorological parameters characterizing the presence of a cloudy sky have been determined and analyzed. It is shown that the state of cloudy sky is not typical for any territories of Russia. In the intra-annual distribution of cloudiness, it is possible to distinguish periods with a predominance of clear or cloudy skies, which vary depending on the circulation processes. For Moscow, one can take a cloudy sky for the prevailing cloudiness only in the autumn-winter period. Based on the data of long-term observations of the Meteorological Observatory of Moscow State University, an assessment of the illumination of horizontal and vertical surfaces was carried out for a clear, cloudy sky and under average cloudy conditions. The illumination of the earth’s surface under cloudy skies and under average cloudy conditions can differ by up to 50%, and the illumination of walls of various orientations can differ several times. During the period of snow cover, with continuous cloudiness of the lower tier, due to multiple re-reflection from snow and clouds, the reflected component of illumination increases to 30% or more. These estimates, taking into account the repeatability of the cloudy sky, give an idea of the discrepancy between the real data and the values presented in the regulatory documents. For the rational use of natural light resources in different geographic regions, it is necessary to take into account the real cloud conditions.
E.V. GORBARENKO1,2, Candidate of Sciences (Geography)

1 Lomonosov Moscow State University. Faculty of Geography (Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation)
2 Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences(21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Gorbarenko E.V. Possible differences in the standard and actual values of natural illumination caused by not taking into account the actual cloud conditions. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2021. No. 6, pp. 42–50. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2021-6-42-50

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