Method for Calculating of Sound Insulation of Lightweight Partitions with Frameless Anti-Resonant Panels

Number of journal: 11-2021

Monich D.V.

УДК: 699.844.3


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The results of studies of sound insulation of a new type of enclosing structures – lightweight partitions with frameless anti-resonant panels, intended for use in civil engineering are presented. Theoretical studies were carried out on the basis of the theory of self-coincidence of wave fields, taking into account the resonant and inertial sound transmission through the enclosures. A method for calculating of sound insulation of enclosing structures has been developed, which can be used in the design of partitions between the premises of buildings. The calculation method includes six stages: determining the boundary frequencies of the areas of resonant sound transmission through the enclosing structure, calculating the coefficients of sound transmission through the enclosure in individual frequency ranges, calculating of sound insulation of the enclosure, calculating of airborne noise insulation index for the enclosure, comparing the calculated data with the standard requirements, assessment of the rationality of the constructive solution of the sound-insulating enclosure in comparison with analogues. On the example of a partition made of monolithic gypsum concrete, a comparison of the results of theoretical calculations and experimental measurements in natural conditions is carried out. The developed method for calculating of sound insulation provides good convergence of results in a wide range of medium and high frequencies. The use of a lightweight partition with anti-resonant panels made it possible to reduce the overall surface density of the enclosure by 5 and 32%, and also to re-duce the total thickness of the enclosure by 42 and 53%, compared to two analogous enclosures, respectively.
D.V. MONICH, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (65, Ilyinskaya Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Monich D.V. Method for calculating of sound insulation of lightweight partitions with frameless anti-resonant panels. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2021. No. 11, pp. 27–33. (In Russian). DOI: