Investigation of the Cause of Destruction of the Support Node of the Metal Truss Covering the Concert and Sports Complex "Fetisov-Arena" in Vladivostok

Number of journal: 3-2021

Vavrenyuk S.V.,
Vavrenyuk V.G.,
Farafonov A.E.,
Kuznetsov N.V.

УДК: 69.059.2


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The results of studies of the cause of metal truss destruction due to separation of support braces along the weld seam perimeter are given. In order to determine the cause of the destruction, a technical examination of the structural structures of the structure was carried out, as well as mechanical and metallographic studies of fragments of metal taken from the destroyed truss assembly. The results of the technical examination showed the absence of deformations in the load-bearing elements of the framework (deflections, roll, bends, skews, displacement), as well as mechanical damage. Mechanical tests of the samples showed that the steel of the metal truss complies with regulatory requirements. Metallographic studies showed that the torn-out fragment of the pipe of the upper belt of the tuning truss has a layered vidmanstett structure, formed as a result of a violation of the profile production technology (accelerated cooling after technological heating). According to the results of the work, it was concluded that the cause of the destruction of the support assembly of the truss was a defect in the structure (vidmanstett string-tour) in the main metal, as well as in the zones of thermal influence of the weld seam, which led to a decrease in the ductility of steel and an increase in the tendency to crack in the metal.
S.V. VAVRENYUK, Corresponding Member of RAACS, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) ,
V.G. VAVRENYUK, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
A.E. FARAFONOV, Engineer,
N.V. KUZNETSOV, Engineer

Branch of FGBU “TSNIIP of Russian Minstroy”, Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation Far-Eastern Research, Design and Technological Institute of Construction (Branch of FGBU “TSNIIP of Russian Minstroy”, DalNIIS) (14, Borodinskaya Street, Vladivostok, 690033, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Vavrenyuk S.V., Vavrenyuk V.G., Farafonov A.E., Kuznetsov N.V. Investigation of the cause of destruction of the support node of the metal truss covering the concert and sports complex “Fetisov-Arena” in Vladivostok. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2021. No. 3, pp. 19–24. (In Russian). DOI: