Methodology for Identifying Territories Within the Boundaries of Which it is Advisable to Place New Objects of Preschool and General Education

Number of journal: 12-2020

Dolgushin A.V.

УДК: 727.112


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The main factors determining the need to place educational facilities on the territory of municipalities and districts of Moscow are highlighted. The method of selecting territories within the boundaries of which the location of objects of preschool and general education is the most relevant is proposed. It was used to develop sound proposals for ensuring the balancing development of educational and housing stock facilities. In order to select priority territories within the boundaries of which it is advisable to place new objects of preschool and general education, specialists of the NPTS «City Development» determined the current and projected capacity deficit in objects of preschool and general education. The calculation was carried out in the context of individual buildings that provide services in the field of preschool and general education, residential blocks and micro-districts, as well as municipal formations. It was established that it is advisable to locate new pre-school education facilities within the boundaries of blocks where the projected capacity deficit exceeds 120 places, and to place new general education facilities within the boundaries of blocks where the projected capacity deficit exceeds 550 places.
A.V. DOLGUSHIN, Candidate of Sciences (Economy) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

OOO NPTS «City Development» (structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Dolgushin A.V. Methodology for identifying territories within the boundaries of which it is advisable to place new objects of preschool and general education. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 12, pp. 29–35. (In Russian). DOI: