Личный кабинет

Growing Manor Houses – an Important Direction for Solving the Housing Problem in Russia

Number of journal: 12-2020

Filatov E.F.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-47-52
УДК: 332.832.22


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article considers growing manor houses made of cellular concrete for construction in rural localities, urban-type settlements, in small, including historical cities, on suburban areas, as well as as housing for service personnel on transport and energy highways and facilities. The low cost of growing manor houses is provided due to the relatively low cost of the main material – cellular concrete, the economy of the adopted space-planning solutions and the ability to perform construction works on their own without involving lifting mechanisms. Additional economic efficiency is achieved through the stage-by-stage construction, which reduces the developer’s one-time investment. Research and developments conducted show that the concept of «growing house» most fully makes it possible to combine the planning parameters of residential and utility rooms, their high consumer qualities, functional amenities, comfort of living with the material capabilities and demographic needs of the developer. Schemes of stage-by-stage transition from a two-room to a five-room house are presented.
E.F. FILATOV, Head of Construction Laboratory, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

OOO “Specialized developer – Bryansk Construction Trest” (1, bldg. 11, Bezhitskaya Street, Bryansk, 2141007, Russian Federation)

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3. Bolotova Yu.V., Ruchkinova O.I., Kiryukhin N.A. technology “growing house” – one of the directions of development of the market of low-rise individual housing. Vestnik Permskogo natsional’nogo issledovatel’skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Prikladnaya ekologiya. Urbanistika. 2016. No. 2 (22), pp. 127–147. (In Russian).
4. Granik Yu.G. application of cellular concrete in the construction of the Russian Federation. Stroitel’nyi rynok. 2006. No. 9–10, pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
5. Braunsdorfer I.A., Granik M.Yu. Growing manor houses made of cellular concrete. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2000. No. 8, pp. 127–129. (In Russian).
6. Sazhin N.P., Goncharik V.N., Garnashevich G.S. Yacheistyi beton: Teoriya i praktika [Cellular concrete: Theory and practice]. Minsk: Strinko. 2004. 384 p.
7. Sazhin N.P., Sokolovsky L.V., Zhuravlev I.S., Tka-chik P.P. Kak postroit’ individual’nyi zhiloi dom iz yacheistogo betona [How to build an individual residential building from cellular concrete]. Minsk: Strinko. 1999. 184 p.
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For citation: Filatov E.F. Growing manor houses – an important direction for solving the housing problem in Russia. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 12, pp. 47–52. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-47-52

Protection of Bearing Structures of Buildings Against the Influence of Vibration Generated by Railway Transport

Number of journal: 12-2020

Smirnov V.A.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-40-46
УДК: 699.88


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Currently, the railway network is widely developed, many of which pass through settlements and cities; in some proximity to buildings, including high-rise buildings. The movement of trains on the track causes a certain level of vibrations that are transmitted through the ground to nearby buildings, and cause vibrations of various structures. In this regard, when designing railway tracks or constructing buildings in some proximity to railways, it is necessary to assess the possible vibration impact of rail transport on structures at the design stage and, if necessary, provide measures to protect buildings from negative vibration effects. However, to date, there has not been a standardized method for determining the vibration level at the design stage. The method of predicting the vibration impact of railway transport presented in the article will make it possible to estimate the degree of vibration impact of railway transport on buildings and structures at the design stage, and, if necessary, develop design solutions for vibration isolation that protect buildings and structures from negative vibration effects and create acoustic comfort conditions in the premises.
V.A. SMIRNOV1, 2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (2, Lokomotivny proezd, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)
2 National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

1. Смирнов В.А., Цукерников И.Е. Экспериментальные исследования уровней вибрации перекрытий жилых зданий, вызванных движением поездов метрополитена // Строительство и реконструкция. 2016. № 4 (66). 2016. С. 85–92.
1. Smirnov V.A., Tsukernikov I.E. Experimental studies of the vibration levels of residential building floors caused by the movement of subway trains. Stroitelstvo i reconstructcia. 2016. No. 4 (66), pp. 85–92. (In Russian).
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5. Смирнов В.А. Экспериментально-численная оценка уровней вибраций конструкции фундамента высокоточного оборудования // Жилищное строительство. 2016. № 6. С. 33–37.
5. Smirnov V.A. Experimental and numerical assessment of vibration levels of the foundation structure of high-precision equipment. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2016. No. 6, pp. 33–37. (In Russian).
6. Smirnov V., Tsukernikov I. To the Question of vibration levels prediction inside residential buildings caused by underground traffic. Procedia Engineering. 2017. Vol. 176, pp. 371–380.
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15. Смирнов В.А. Снижение динамических нагрузок при передаче колебательной энергии через фундаментную конструкцию // Известия высших учебных заведений. Технология текстильной промышленности. 2018. № 3 (375). С. 198–201.
15. Smirnov V.A. Reduction of dynamic loads during transmission of vibrational energy through the foundation structure. Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Tekhnologiya tekstil’noj promyshlennosti. 2018. No. 3 (375), pp. 198–201. (In Russian).
16. Смирнов В.А. Виброзащита верхнего строения пути метрополитена с применением конструкции типа «масса-пружина» // Жилищное строительство. 2018. № 6. C. 32–36.
16. Smirnov V.A. Vibration protection of the superstructure of the subway track using a «mass-spring» construction. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2018. No. 6, pp. 32–36. (In Russian).
17. Smirnov V.A. Numerical analysis of long-haul structure laying on nonlinear foundation subjected to moving load. 2018. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 456 012061
18. Смирнов В.А. Защита исторических памятников от вибраций, вызванных движением рельсового транспорта // БСТ. 2018. № 8. С. 23–25.
18. Smirnov V.A. Protection of historical monuments from vibrations caused by rail traffic. BST. 2018. No. 8, pp. 23–25. (In Russian).
19. Smirnov V., Cherkasova D., Lebedev A., Smolyakov M. Vibration data probability analysis inside residential premises adjacent to underground train lines. in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Institute of Physics Publishing. 2020. Vol. 753. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/753/2/022082
20. Smirnov V. Basement vibration isolation efficiency investigation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020. 896, 012020. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/896/1/012020

For citation: Smirnov V.A. Protection of bearing structures of buildings against the influence of vibration generated by railway transport. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 12, pp. 40–46. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-40-46

Modern Methods for Assessing the Technical Condition of Building Engineering Systems

Number of journal: 12-2020

Davidyuk A.A.,
Artemiev E.A.,
Streltsov S.А.,
Voskanyan R.S.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-36-39
УДК: 728


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
On the basis of the results of many years work in the inspection of engineering systems of buildings and structures, the presented work reflects aspects of obsolescence or imperfection of the regulatory document of the Russian Federation GOST 31937–2011 «Buildings and structures. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition» in part of section 5.4. The types of work that are not taken into account in the GOST, but are necessary when inspecting for an objective assessment of the technical condition of engineering systems and the possibility of further trouble-free operation are considered. The authors propose modern inspection methods that make it possible, due to the instrumental tools used, to more accurately determine the operational capabilities of systems, identify hidden shortcomings and further develop optimal measures with the maximum improvement of indicators for financial expenses for major repairs of systems as a whole or individual elements.
A.A. DAVIDYUK, Candidate of Science (Engineering), General Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
E.A. ARTEMIEV, Head of Center No. 2 for Technical Expertise and Design (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
S.А. STRELTSOV, Deputy Head of Center No. 2 for Technical Expertise and Design (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
R.S. VOSKANYAN, Head of the Engineering Systems Department of Center No. 2 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Design-Technological Bureau of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (JSC «KTB RC» (6, str. 15A, 2nd Institutskaya Street, Moscow, 109428, Russian Federation)

1. Sklyarov L.A. Technical inspection of buildings and structures within the framework of the requirements of Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures” and GOST 31937–2011 “Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition”. Nauchnyy vestnik Arktiki. 2019. No. 7, pp. 22–33. (In Russian).
2. Vedyakov I.I., Konin D.V., Artamonov V.A. On the need to update GOST 31937–2011 taking into account the generalization of the survey experience. Promyshlennoye i grazhdanskoye stroitel’stvo. 2020. No. 10, pp. 101–110. (In Russian).
3. Patrikeev A.V. System of dynamic monitoring of an engineering structure as a key element of its technical safety. Vestnik MGSU. 2014. No. 3, pp. 133–140. (In Russian).
4. Soloviev S.A. Development of methods for quantitative assessment of the safety of bearing elements of operating building structures. Collection of theses of the participants of the forum “Science of the future – science of the young”. 2017, pp. 179–181. (In Russian).
5. Davidyuk A.A. Scientific and technical support for the design of facilities with a higher level of responsibility. Promyshlennoye i grazhdanskoye stroitel’stvo. 2020. No. 2, pp. 29–33. (In Russian).
6. Davidyuk A.A., Smirnova Yu.A., Dolgalev A.P. Automated monitoring of buildings and structures using sensors. Promyshlennoye i grazhdanskoye stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 2, pp. 55–59. (In Russian).
7. Davidyuk A., Rumyantsev I. Quality control of high-performance concrete in high-rise construction during operation. MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018. 01035. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201817001035

For citation: Davidyuk A.A., Artemiev E.A., Streltsov S.А., Voskanyan R.S. Modern methods for assessing the technical condition of building engineering systems. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 12, pp. 36–39. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-36-39

Methodology for Identifying Territories Within the Boundaries of Which it is Advisable to Place New Objects of Preschool and General Education

Number of journal: 12-2020

Dolgushin A.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-29-35
УДК: 727.112


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The main factors determining the need to place educational facilities on the territory of municipalities and districts of Moscow are highlighted. The method of selecting territories within the boundaries of which the location of objects of preschool and general education is the most relevant is proposed. It was used to develop sound proposals for ensuring the balancing development of educational and housing stock facilities. In order to select priority territories within the boundaries of which it is advisable to place new objects of preschool and general education, specialists of the NPTS «City Development» determined the current and projected capacity deficit in objects of preschool and general education. The calculation was carried out in the context of individual buildings that provide services in the field of preschool and general education, residential blocks and micro-districts, as well as municipal formations. It was established that it is advisable to locate new pre-school education facilities within the boundaries of blocks where the projected capacity deficit exceeds 120 places, and to place new general education facilities within the boundaries of blocks where the projected capacity deficit exceeds 550 places.
A.V. DOLGUSHIN, Candidate of Sciences (Economy) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

OOO NPTS «City Development» (structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

1. Tolstykh E.S. Complex indicator of the comfort of the living environment. Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo. 2018. No. 7 (96), pp. 515–518. (In Russian).
2. Lyovkin S.I., Kievsky L.V. Urban planning aspects of sectoral state programs. Promyshlennoye i grazhdanskoye stroitel’stvo. 2012. No. 6, pp. 26–32. (In Russian).
3. Bolsherotova L.V., Bolsherotov A.L. Renovation in Moscow: problems and solutions. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2018. No. 3, pp. 9–14. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2018-4-9-14
4. Nikolaev S.V. Renovation of housing stock of the country on the basis of large-panel housing construction. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2018. No. 3, pp. 3–7. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2018-3-3-7
5. Goncharov Y.A., Dubrovina G.G. Achievement of ergonomics in architecture due to the use of façade décor on the basis of mineral wool. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2019. No. 3, pp. 14–18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2019-768-3-14-18 (In Russian).
6. Mogzoev A.M., Kuzmicheva K.I. Renovation of the housing stock of the city of Moscow. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta im. S.Yu. Vitte. Seriya 1: Ekonomika i upravleniye. 2017. No. 4 (23), pp. 70–74. (In Russian).
7. Toporkova M.K., Smorodinova L.Yu. Implementation of the program for the renovation of the housing stock in the city of Moscow. Rossiyskoye gosudarstvovedeniye. 2018. No. 1, pp. 69–82. (In Russian).
8. Hakobyan G.L., Kas’yanov V.F., Kolobova S.V. Renovation of residential buildings in the city of Moscow. In the collection: Integration, partnership and innovation in building science and education. Collection of materials of the VI International Scientific Conference. 2018, pp. 86–92. (In Russian).
9. Kirsanov A.R. Construction of kindergartens and schools: legislation and practice. Imushchestvennyye otnosheniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. 2015. No. 6 (165), pp. 20–24. (In Russian).
10. Kuznetsov A.N., Skobeltsina K.N. On the issue of providing the regions of the Russian Federation with educational infrastructure: analysis of statistical information. Munitsipal’noye obrazovaniye: innovatsii i eksperiment. 2019. No. 3 (66), pp. 48–55. (In Russian).
11. State program of the city of Moscow “Development of education in the city of Moscow (“Capital education “)”. Obrazovatel’naya politika. 2011. No. 3 (53), pp. 4–10. (In Russian).
12. Argunov S.V., Kogan Yu.V. Assessment of the need for social infrastructure facilities in the development and analysis of territorial planning projects that provide for the renovation of residential buildings. V kn.: Renovatsiya. Krupnomasshtabnyi gorodskoi proekt rassredotochennogo stroitel’stva. [In the book: Renovation. Large scale urban dispersed building project]. Moscow: Russkaya shkola. 2018, p. 196 https://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/ho16Rvhi.pdf

For citation: Dolgushin A.V. Methodology for identifying territories within the boundaries of which it is advisable to place new objects of preschool and general education. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 12, pp. 29–35. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-29-35

Use of BI-Technologies in Municipal Management

Number of journal: 12-2020

Semenov S.A.,
Zhukov G.N.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-22-28
УДК: 332.146.2


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Modern tools of information and analytical support of the decision-making process for operational management of the integrated regional development program at the municipal level are analyzed. An overview of the most significant problems that arise in the decision-making process is provided. It is proposed to solve such problems using modern Business Intelligence technologies. The most frequently used definitions of the term BI-technology are given. The key advantages of using the proposed technologies are presented. The goals of using BI-technologies at the municipal management level are defined. Examples of implementation of BI-technologies in the prefecture of the North-Eastern Administrative Okrug of Moscow are given. It is established that the use of such mechanisms significantly reduces the time and labor spent on preparing materials necessary for making management decisions, significantly increases the relevance and reliability of the information used, provides visual visualization of the presented solutions.
S.A. SEMENOV, Deputy General Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
G.N. ZHUKOV, Project Manager (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

OOO NPTS «City Development» (19, structure 3, Mira Avenue, Moscow, 129090, Russian Federation)

1. Kievskiy I.L. Coordination and management of large-scale urban projects of dispersed construction in Moscow. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 6–13. (In Russian).
2. Zamakhina D.V., Parkhomenko M.I. Infographic data analysis for the development of measures for the renovation program. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 60–66. (In Russian).
3. Volokhina O.A., Harlanenkov I.S. Information and analytical support of the program “My District”. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 79–84. (In Russian).
4. Resin V.I., Bachurina S.S., Vladimirova I.L., Tsygan-kova A.A. Be able to plan development. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2018. No. 8, pp. 17–22. (In Russian).
5. Kievskiy I.L., Semenov S.A., Zhukov G.N., Grushetskiy D.A. Information and cartographic control with functions of business analytics for urban management. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 72–78. (In Russian).
6. Volkov A.A. Smart city: convergent socio-cyber-physical complex. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 9, pp. 4–11. (In Russian).
7. Levkin S.I., Kievsky L.V. Urban planning policy and sectoral government programs. “City development”: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014. Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 103–117. http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
8. Levkin SI, Kievskiy LV System-technical approach to urban development of Moscow. “City development”: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014. Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 15–22. http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
9. Argunov S.V., Kogan Yu.V. Using geoinformation analysis for making management decisions. “City development”: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014. Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 465–472. http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
10. Kievskiy L.V., Kievskaya R.L. Influence of urban planning decisions on real estate markets. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 6, pp. 27–31. (In Russian).
11. Tikhomirov S.A., Kievsky L.V., Kuleshova E.I., Sergeev A.S. Modeling the town-planning process. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2015. No. 9, pp. 51–55. (In Russian).
12. Kievskiy L.V., Kievskaya R.L. The relationship between urban planning solutions and the development of real estate markets. “City development”: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014. Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 43–52. http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
13. Kogan Yu.V. The main trends in the urban development of Moscow. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 24-29. (In Russian).
14. Golysheva D.V., Demin V.D. The modern model of the organization of public spaces in the urban environment. “City development”: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014. Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 554–560. http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
15. Dolgushin A.V. Identification of areas of mass housing construction in TiNAO in order to ensure a balanced development of social infrastructure. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2019. No. 10, pp. 38–42. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2019-10-38-42

For citation: Semenov S.A., Zhukov G.N. Use of BI-technologies in municipal management. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 12, pp. 22–28. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-22-28

About Errors Engineering and Deviceing Anchor Piles, Performed by Discharge-Pulse Technology

Number of journal: 12-2020

Samarin D.G.,
Filippovich A.A.,
Ustyuzhanin V.L.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-13-21
УДК: 621.6.072


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article examines a case from the practice of geotechnical construction, when errors in the calculations of anchor piles performed by discharge-pulse technology (DPT anchor) and deviations from engineering solutions could lead to an emergency. During excavation of the foundation pit, an underground parking lot under construction, the enclosing structure, fixed with DPT anchors, received unacceptable displacements. Calculations established that the bearing capacity of the DPT anchors on the ground was overestimated up to 3 times. In addition, the analysis of the available materials on this object allowed the authors to identify serious violations in the construction of the latter. It is shows that when carrying out work on the preliminary tension of the DPT anchors, in some cases, already with an effort of 10 tons, there is a loss of their bearing capacity along the ground. As a result, it became necessary to redesign the anchorage.
D.G. SAMARIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
A.A. FILIPPOVICH, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (2, Solyanaya Sq.,Tomsk, 634003, Russian Federation)

1. Dzhantimirov Kh.A., Kryuchkov S.A., Smirnov P.V. Geotechnical technologies based on electrochemical explosion. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Soil Mechanics, foundation Engineering and Transport Construction. Perm. 2004. Vol. 1, pp. 46–58. (In Russian).
2. Dzhantimirov Kh.A., Kryuchkov S.A., Smirnov P.V. Geotechnical technologies based on electrochemical explosion. Proceedings of the International Conference on Geotechnics: Reconstruction of Historic Cities and Geotechnical Construction. St. Petersburg. 2003. Vol. 2, pp. 24–30. (In Russian).
3. Kubetsky V.L. The use of piles-RIT in the foundations of high-rise buildings. Vestnik MGSU. 2012. No. 4. pp. 240–245. (In Russian).
4. Sokolov N.S., Sokolov A.N., Sokolov S.N., Glushkov V.E., Glushkov A.E. Calculation of Increased Bearing Capacity Bored Piles. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 11, pp. 20–26. (In Russian).
5. Eremin V.Ya., Eremin A.V. High-rise buildings – a reliable foundation. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference. Problems of soil mechanics and foundation engineering in difficult soil conditions. Ufa, October 3–5. 2006. Vol. 1, pp. 69–75. (In Russian).
6. Samarin D.G. Device of a trunk of the stuffed piles with use of the electric discharges. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Stroitel’stvo. 2005. No. 3, pp. 120–123. (In Russian).
7. Sokolov N.S., Viktorova S.S., Fedorova T.G. Piles of increased bearing capacity. Materials of the 8th All-Russian (2nd International) conference. New in architecture, design of building structures and reconstruction (NASKR-2014). Cheboksary. 2014, pp. 411–415. (In Russian).
8. Sokolov N.S., Ryabinov V.M. On one method for calculating the bearing capacity of ERT bore-injection piles. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2015. No. 1, pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
9. Sokolov N.S., Ryabinov V.M. On the efficiency of drilling injection piles with multiple widening using electric discharge technology. Geotekhnika. 2016. No. 2, pp. 28–32. (In Russian).
10. Sokolov N.S., Ryabinov V.M. Features of the device and calculation of bored injection piles with multiple widening. Geotekhnika. 2016. No. 3, pp. 60–65. (In Russian).
11. Ryabinov V.M., Gorbushin A.V. Possibilities of the electrical discharge technology application at the construction on the weak soils. Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. 2008. No. 6, pp. 10–13. (In Russian).
12. Sokolov N.S. About an erroneous method of the booster injection piles arrangement using the electrical discharge technology. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2016. No. 11, pp. 20–28 (In Russian).
13. Polishchuk A.I., Samarin D.G., Filippovich A.A. Results of modeling processes of interaction of foundations with clay soil. Vestnik TGASU. 2013. No. 1 (38), pp. 253–259. (In Russian).
14. Polishchuk A.I., Samarin D.G., Osipov S.P., Filippovich A.A. The research of joint behavior of sallow foundation with strengthening injection piles in clay soil. Vestnik TGASU. 2014. No. 3 (44), pp. 177–190. (In Russian).

For citation: Samarin D.G., Filippovich A.A., Ustyuzhanin V.L. About errors engineering and deviceing anchor piles, performed by discharge-pulse technology. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 12, pp. 13–21. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-13-21

Monitoring System of a High-Rise Building during Operation

Number of journal: 12-2020

Shashkin A.G.,
Shashkin K.G.,
Evseev N.A.,
Lukin V.M.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-3-12
УДК: 69.032.22


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Monitoring of structures during operation is a direct requirement of the current legislation, especially relevant for technically complex structures, which include high-rise buildings. It is important not only for ensuring mechanical safety during construction operation, but also as a tool for reverse analysis of the actual stress-strain state of structures and foundations for compliance with the design calculation forecast, which should ultimately contribute to the development of construction theory and practice. The article is devoted to the organization of monitoring during the operation of the Lakhta Center skyscraper in St. Petersburg. The basis of the monitoring system is a design model of the building that interacts with the base making it possible to give the monitoring an interactive character. Particular attention is paid to the definition of «alarms» that make it possible to signal timely about the occurrence of negative trends helping to eliminate the occurrence of an emergency. It is shown that the calculations for justifying the criteria of monitoring systems differ significantly from the usual calculations when designing. The article defines the features of a workable monitoring system, to which the system implemented in practice fully corresponds. A comparison of the readings set in the design of measuring equipment and design expectations is given. The example of a high-rise building shows how to assign the «alarm» and «accident» criteria to ensure the operability of the monitoring system during operation.
A.G. SHASHKIN1, Doctor of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy),
K.G. SHASHKIN1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
N.A. EVSEEV1, Engineer;
V.M. LUKIN2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 “Georeconstruction” Institute (4, Izmaylovsky Prospect, St. Petersburg, 190005, Russian Federation)
2 JSC “Gazpromneft Eastern-European Projects” (3–5, litera, Pochtamtskaya Street, St. Petersburg, 190000, Russian Federation)

1. Katzenbach R., Schmitt A., Ramm H. Basic principles of design and monitoring of high-rise buildings in Frankfurt am Main. Cases from practice. Rekonstruktsiya gorodov i geotekhnicheskoe stroitel’stvo. 2005. No. 9, рp. 80–99. (In Russian).
2. Shashkin K.G. Theoretical basis for interactive monitoring of complex buildings and underground structures. Geotekhnika. 2018. No. 3, рp. 26–37. (In Russian).
3. Travush V.I., Shakhvorostov A.I., Bobkov A.A., Morozova E.V., Nikiforov S.V. Concreting the lower plate of the box Foundation of the tower of the Lakhta Center complex. Vysotnoe stroitel’stvo. 2015. No. 1, рp. 92–101. (In Russian).
4. Travush V.I., Shakhraman’yan A.M., Kolotovichev Yu.A., Shakhvorostov A.I., Desyatin M.A., Shulyat’ev O.A., Shulyat’ev S.O. “Lakhta Center”: automated deformation monitoring of structures and foundations. Academia. Arkhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2018. No. 4, рp. 94–108. (In Russian).
5. Shulyatev O.A. Osnovaniya i fundamenty vysotnykh zdanii [Bases and foundations of high-rise buildings]. Moscow: ASV. 2016. 391 p.
6. Ulitsky V.М., Shashkin А.G., Shashkin K.G, Shashkin V.А. Osnovy sovmestnykh raschetov zdanii i osnovanii [The basics of soil-structure interaction calculations]. Saint-Petersburg: Georeconstructsia. 2014. 328 p.
7. Shashkin A.G. Proektirovanie zdanii i podzemnykh sooruzhenii v slozhnykh inzhenerno-geologicheskikh usloviyakh Sankt-Peterburga [Design of buildings and underground structures in complex engineering and geological conditions of St. Petersburg]. Moscow: Akademicheskaya nauka – Geomarketing. 2014. 352 p.
8. Shashkin A.G. Raschet sooruzhenii na slabykh glinistykh gruntakh [Calculation of structures on weak clay soils]. Saarbrucken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. 2016. 349 p.
9. Ulickij V.M., Shashkin A.G., Shashkin K.G. Geotekhnicheskoe soprovozhdenie razvitiya gorodov [Geotechnical Support of Urban Development]. Saint Petersburg: Georeconstruction. 2010. 551 p.
10. Dashko R.E. Geotechnical diagnostics of indigenous clays of the Saint Petersburg region (on the example of the lower Cambrian clay strata). Rekonstruktsiya gorodov i geotekhnicheskoe stroitel’stvo. 2000. No. 1, рp. 95–100. (In Russian).
11. Dashko R.E., Alexandrova O.Yu., Kotyukov P.V., Shidlovskaya A.V. Features of engineering and geological conditions of Saint Petersburg. Razvitie gorodov i geotekhnicheskoe stroitel’stvo. 2011. No. 13, pp. 25–71. (In Russian).

For citation: Shashkin A.G., Shashkin K.G., Evseev N.A., Lukin V.M. Monitoring system of a high-rise building during operation. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 12, pp. 3–12. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-12-3-12

The Impact of Metro Stations Construction on the Real Estate Commissioning in the Surrounding Areas

Number of journal: 11-2020

Maksimov S.O.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-50-55
УДК: 728:625.42


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The impact of metro stations under construction on the dynamics of real estate commissioning in the adjacent territories from the moment of first mention in the media to the moment of commissioning is considered. The study was conducted on the example of the city of Moscow. Research results show that plans for the construction of metro facilities begin to influence the dynamics of real estate commissioning in the surrounding areas long before their actual implementation. The moment, when information about plans for the construction of new metro facilities becomes available to the public, can be taken as a starting point. Since the announcement of plans for the construction of the metro, the real estate commissioning in the surrounding areas may show several peaks. The first peak is observed 3–5 years after the announcement of construction plans, the second – in the project year of construction completion. The analysis showed the reduce in the volumes of real estate commissioning in the zone of influence of subway facilities after their construction, however, it is necessary to take into account the overall level of urban activity of territories.
S.O. MAKSIMOV (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Research Department, Project Manager

OOO NPTS «City Development» (structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

1. Kievskiy L.V., Kievskiy I.L. Transport construction priorities. «City development»: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014 / Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 235–242. (In Russian). http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
2. Vlasov D.N., Bahirev I.A. Moscow central ring as a catalyst for changing residents’ mobility. Academia. Arhitektura i stroitel’stvo. 2018. No. 1, pp. 53–58. (In Russian).
3. Kurbanov M.H., Nikolaev A.N. The specifics of the organization of work on the improvement of areas adjacent to transport facilities. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 85–89. (In Russian).
4. Kievskiy L.V., Kievskiy I.L. Construction of transport infrastructure facilities in an established city. «City development»: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014. / Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 288–295. (In Russian). http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
5. Gibbons S., Machin S. Valuing school quality, better transport, and lower crime: evidence from house prices. Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 2008. Vol. 24 (1), pp. 99–119. DOI: 10.1093/oxrep/grn008
6. Sidorovyh A.S. Assessment of the impact of transport accessibility on real estate prices. Prikladnaya ekonometrika. 2015. No. 37, pp. 43–56. (In Russian).
7. Paley T.F. Predictive stimulation of industrial growth in the region based on transport infrastructure. Doct. Diss. (Engineering). Kazan’. 2019. 342 p. (In Russian).
8. Kievskiy L.V., Kievskaya R.L. Impact of urban planning decisions on real estate markets. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 6, pp. 27–31. (In Russian).
9. Tihomirov S.A., Kievskiy L.V., Kuleshova E.I., Sergeev A.S Modeling the urban planning process. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2015. No. 9, pp. 51–55. (In Russian).
10. Kievskiy L.V., Kievskaya R.L. The relationship between urban planning solutions and the development of real estate markets. «City development»: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014. / Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 43–52. (In Russian). http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
11. Kogan YU. V. The main trends in urban development in Moscow. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 24–29. (In Russian).
12. Grishutin I.B., Kostin A.V. Construction of the international business center “Moscow City” and its information support. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2013. No. 6, pp. 21–24. (In Russian).
13. Kievskiy I.L., Semenov S.A., Zhukov G.N., Grusheckiy D.A. Information and cartographic control with business intelligence functions for city management. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 72–78. (In Russian).
14. Kievskiy L.V., Shul’zhenko S.N., Volkov A.A. Investment policy of the customer-developer at the stage of organizational preparation of concentrated construction. Vestnik MGSU. 2016. No. 3, pp. 111–121. (In Russian).
15. Leonov V.V., Dolgushin A.V., Maksimov S.O. Assessment of transport accessibility of public health organizations of the city of Moscow. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 19–23. (In Russian).

For citation: Maksimov S.O. The impact of metro stations construction on the real estate commissioning in the surrounding areas. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo[Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 11, pp. 50–55. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-50-55

Application of Geo-Information Technologies in Information and Analytical Support for the Implementation of the Сity Program "My District"

Number of journal: 11-2020

Petrukhin V.O.,
Skvortsov S.A.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-43-49
УДК: 365.46


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article sets out the goals and objectives of the City Program “My District”, which provides for a significant improvement in the quality of life of citizens and the formation of equal development conditions for all districts of the city, taking into account the suggestions and wishes of local residents. The program is a flexible individual plan for each district, the implementation of which will ensure equal opportunities to receive quality health services, education and social services, leisure activities and a healthy lifestyle. To implement the tasks set, targeted, systematic information and analytical activities are necessary. Successful coordination of the implementation of improvement programs and operative solution of problems at all stages are possible only if the information base is prepared for making optimal management decisions. The use of modern information technologies, including geo-information technologies, makes it possible to ensure high quality of analytical and presentation materials created. The methodology for organization of work on the preparation of cartographic materials using geo-information technologies is shown: MapInfo software for processing and storing geographical information, GeoServer mapping software for publishing and managing geo-data in order to optimize the time spent, “Geo-bookmarks” utilities for automating the publication of cartographic and attribute information.
V.O. PETRUKHIN, Engineer-Cartographer of the 1st Category,
S.A. SKVORTSOV, Engineer-Cartographer

OOO NPTS «City Development» (structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

1. Volohina O.A., Harlanenkov I.S. Information and analytical support of the program “My District”. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 79–84. (In Russian) DOI: 10.33622/0869-7019.2019.08-79-84.
2. Kievskij I.L., Petruhin V.O., Volohina O.A. Information and analytical support of the program “My Street” on the example of the renovation of building facades on improved streets. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 42–47. (In Russian).
3. Kievskij L.V. Information and cartographic technologies – a tool for analyzing urban construction programs. «City development»: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014 / Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 425–432. (In Russian). http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
4. Kievskij I.L., Grishutin I.B. Information and cartographic monitoring of the construction of the Moscow City Business Center. «City development»: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014 / Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014. 592 p. (pp. 433–441). (In Russian). http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
5. Trahtengerc E.A., Ivanilov E.L., Yurkevich E.V. Sovremennye komp’yuternye tekhnologii upravleniya informatsionno-analiticheskoi deyatel’nost’yu [Modern computer technologies for managing information and analytical activities]. Moscow: SINTEG. 2007. 370 p.
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7. Karpenko S.A. Geographic information support of the function of accounting for objects of territorial administration. Uchenye zapiski tavricheskogo nacional’nogo universiteta im. V.I. Vernadskogo. Seriya: Geografiya. 2009, Vol. 22 (61). No. 1, pp. 39–47. (In Russian).
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9. Vishnevskaya E.V., Klimova T.B., Zubova I.V. Research of the development of regional tourism in the Belgorod region based on the use of geoinformation technologies. Fundamental’nye issledovaniya. 2013. No. 9–10, pp. 2000–2004. (In Russian).
10. Gushul YU.V., Teslya E.V. Information and analytical support: modern tasks and development trajectories. Nauchnye i tekhnicheskie biblioteki. 2020. No. 1, pp. 24–44. (In Russian). https://doi.org/10.33186/1027-3689-2020-1-24-44
11. Zemlyakova S.N. Methodological aspects of the formation of information and analytical support for making management decisions. Vestnik Altajskoj akademii ekonomiki i prava. 2018. No. 2, pp. 72–77. (In Russian). https://www.vaael.ru/ru/article/view?id=35

For citation: Petrukhin V.O., Skvortsov S.A. Application of geo-information technologies in information and analytical support for the implementation of the Сity Program “My District”. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 11, pp. 43–49. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-43-49

Organization of a System for Monitoring the Progress of Works on Improvement of Transport Infrastructure Facilities

Number of journal: 11-2020

Kurbanov M.Kh.,
Nikolaev A.N.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-36-42
УДК: 347.823.2


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The main principles of the organization of the system for monitoring the progress of works on the improvement of transport infrastructure facilities in order to improve the quality of construction and installation works and the effectiveness of management decisions adopted using algorithms developed by employees of LLC SPC «Сity Development» are presented. The monitoring system consists of three main blocks: «Algorithm for mapping the address list of improvement objects to the MSK-77 system with reference to the UUCS ( Unified Urban Cartographic System) of the city of Moscow on a scale of 1:10000», «Algorithm for monitoring the recording of construction work stages using photo-fixing materials» and « Photofixation». The developed and tested method makes it possible to track the progress of works, carry out weekly monitoring of their implementation, identify problem areas of landscaped territories as quickly as possible and take them under special control, make operational decisions on construction and installation works, and adjust the boundaries of work. This method is universal and is suitable for use not only in the framework of conducting working groups, but also for any other transport programs and projects.
M.Kh. KURBANOV, Head of the Department for Development and Improvement of Transport Infrastructure Facilities (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
A.N. NIKOLAEV, Deputy Head of the Department for Development and Improvement of Transport Infrastructure Facilities

OOO NPTS «City Development» (structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

1. Kochetova G.G., Yakunina E.A. Target-programmed planning method in the implementation of the transport strategy for the development of the city of Moscow. Rossiya: tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiya. 2019. No. 14–2, pp. 865–869. (In Russian).
2. Kurbanov M.Kh., Nikolaev A.N. The specifics of the organization of work on the improvement of territories adjacent to transport facilities. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 85–89. (In Russian).
3. Komov V.E. Features of the improvement of public space and the development of the road and transport infrastructure of the city of Moscow. Vestnik Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Gosudarstvennoe i munitsipal’noe upravlenie. 2015. No. 1, pp. 13–20. (In Russian).
4. Kievsky I.L., Kurbanov M.Kh., Parkhomenko M.I. Information support of landscaping works adjacent to the Moscow Central Ring (MCC). Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2017. No. 4, pp. 55–61.
5. Dodman D., Dalal-Clayton B., McGranahan G. Integrating the environment in urban planning and management. Key principles and approaches for cities in the 21 century. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) United Nations Environment Programme, 2013. https://www.uncclearn.org/wp-content/uploads/library/unep247.pdf
6. “PlaNYC Progress Report 2010” City of New York, United States, April 2010, p. 22. URL:http://www.nyc.gov/html/planyc2030/downloads/pdf/planyc progress report 2010.pdf
7. Managing Asian Cities: Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Solutions. Asian Development Bank, Manila, 2008, p. XIV. http://www.adb.org/Documents/Studies/Managing-Asian-Cities/part02-07.pdf

For citation: Kurbanov M.Kh., Nikolaev A.N. Organization of a system for monitoring the progress of works on improvement of transport infrastructure facilities. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 11, pp. 36–42. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-36-42

Methodology for Monitoring the Implementation of Complex Schemes for Engineering Support of Renovation Territories

Number of journal: 11-2020

Surin G.D.,
Kozlov K.V.,
Arendarchuk A.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-29-35
УДК: 351.778.53


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article presents a methodology for monitoring the implementation of integrated schemes for engineering support of territories of the Housing Stock Renovation Program in Moscow. The methodology is based on the concept of an enlarged network model, which defines the sequence of work execution and their relationships at different stages of the life cycle – construction and demolition of residential and non-residential facilities, relocation and construction of engineering infrastructure, resettlement – in the form of a combined calendar plan (Gantt chart), linked to a single timeline, and solves an important practical task: tracking the timing and volume of works performed at all stages of the implementation of the Complex scheme of engineering support for the territory of renovation. The continuity of the new methodology and previously developed and used by the Moscow Government tools for planning and coordinating urban development activities is shown.
G.D. SURIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Deputy General Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
K.V. KOZLOV, Head of the Department of Information and Analytical Support for the Construction of Engineering Infrastructure,
A.V. ARENDARCHUK, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Advisor to the General Director

OOO NPTS «City Development» (structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

1. Kievsky L.V., Kievsky I.L. Development of network planning and management in urban construction. «City development»: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014 / Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 361–369. http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
2. Argunov S.V. Basic principles of linking the program for the integrated development of the heat supply system with investment and construction programs for the development of the city of Moscow. «City development»: Сollection of scientific papers 2006–2014 / Ed. by prof. L.V. Kievsky. Moscow: SVR-ARGUS. 2014, pp. 243–246. http://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/IC9GYpPT.pdf
3. Kievsky I.L., Leonov V.V., Arseniev S.V., Reshetni-kov A.S., Ryndin I.O. Application of network planning and management methods in the implementation of the Renovation Program. V kn.: Renovatsiya. Krupnomasshtabnyi gorodskoi proekt rassredotochennogo stroitel’stva. [In the book: Renovation. Large scale urban dispersed building project]. Moscow: Russkaya shkola. 2018, pp. 130–154. https://dev-city.ru/uploads/s/w/f/v/wfvvbpgtz4tt/file/ho16Rvhi.pdf
4. Kievsky I.L., Semenov S.A., Grishutin I.B., Minakov S.S. Methods of network planning and management in the implementation of territorial planning. Promyshlennoye i grazhdanskoye stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 49–54. (In Russian).
5. Surin G.D., Kozlov K.V., Arendarchuk A.V. Interconnection of plans for the implementation of territorial planning projects and integrated schemes for engineering support of renovation areas. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2019. No. 8, pp. 55–59. (In Russian).
6. Simonyan V.V., Shmelin N.A., Zaitsev A.K. Geodezicheskiy monitoring zdaniy i sooruzheniy kak osnova kontrolya za bezopasnost’yu pri stroitel’stve i ekspluatatsii inzhenernykh sooruzheniy. 2-ye izd. [Geodetic monitoring of buildings and structures as the basis for safety control during the construction and operation of engineering structures. 2nd ed.]. Moscow: NRU MGSU. 2016.144 p.
7. Alibekova I.V., Laktionov K.S. Labor safety in construction and development of a method for express monitoring of working. Gornyy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten’. 2016. No. 9 (special issue 27). 16 p.
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Methodological Aspects of Population Density Estimation in the Context of Moscow Districts with Details up to Residential Blocks

Number of journal: 11-2020

Ivanova O.A.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-24-28
УДК: 314.8.061


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Methodological aspects of estimating the population density of Moscow are considered. The method of estimation is proposed in several sections: population density in residential blocks, districts, and the city of Moscow as a whole. The assessment of population density in the context of districts and residential blocks of Moscow made it possible to obtain a number of results that are of practical significance for urban development. At the same time, data on the density of larger formations are more accurate when using this approach. Based on the data obtained, cartographic materials can be generated (in two sections: residential blocks and districts), which will clearly show the territorial distribution of blocks and districts with different population densities, and the concentration of «problem» territories within the borders of «old» Moscow.
O.A. IVANOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Economy), Researcher, Research Department (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

OOO NPTS «City Development» (structure 3, 19, Mira Avenue, 129090, Moscow, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Ivanova O.A. Methodological aspects of population density estimation in the context of Moscow districts with details up to residential blocks. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 11, pp. 24–28. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0044-4472-2020-11-24-28
