Russian Settlements are not Protected against the Impact of Natural Hazards

Number of journal: 5-2019

Maslyaev A.V.

УДК: 699.841


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
World statistics of people died in settlements, for example during an earthquake, confirms the increase in human casualties at capital construction objects under the influence of natural hazards. However, the absence of even the recognition of settlements as objects of capital construction in Federal laws and regulations of the Russian Federation of construction content, excludes any possibility for specialists to perform calculations for the protection of people under the influence of natural hazards. That is why in Russia a dangerous engineering situation was formed. For example, the largest part of the most mass residential and public buildings in Russian settlements are built with the expectation of the minimum impact of natural hazards that excludes the possibility to protect the lives and health of people in the case of regulatory maximum impacts. However, due to the fact that most of the territory of Russia in accordance with the provisions of normative documents of the Russian Federation of construction content can be exposed to the effects of natural hazards, the ordinary construction task of protecting settlements from dangerous impacts has become a huge problem for Russia, which over time specialists will have to solve. The article presents the basic new rules for the protection of settlements as objects of capital construction against the effects of natural hazards.
A.V. MASLYAEV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Scientific-Research Seismic Laboratory (27, bldg. A, Zemlyachki Street, Volgograd, 400117, Russian Federation)


For citation: Maslyaev A.V. Russian settlements are not protected against the impact of natural hazards. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2019. No. 5, pp. 36–42. (In Russian). DOI: