Renovation of Water Towers: Typological Analysis

Number of journal: №1-2-2019

Ageeva E.Yu.
Gogoleva N.A.

УДК: 628.134


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article analyzes the examples of renovation of ancient water towers. The solution of problems in renovation, such as changes in the architectural composition and functional content of these objects, is considered. The presented examples of renovation of water towers in Russia and abroad prove the possibility of transforming such a characteristic industrial facility as a water tower into a full-fledged residential facility, office, museum, restaurant building. With this transformation, there is a complete change in the functional solution, as well as the exterior and interior, but in most cases, the renovation remains the main constructive volume. The analysis shows the use of the following basic composite methods of adaptation of buildings of water towers: application, analogy, integration. The following architectural methods of transformation of water towers during the renovation are revealed: modification of an object; replacement-introduction of new forms, functions, designs; joining or reducing shapes, structures that extend functionality; combinatorics of ideas, properties; inversion; analogy; adaptation to specific conditions. The examples of renovation of water towers with changes in the functional solution, among which there are residential and public facilities, are presented. The geography of these objects is extensive and makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the regularity of adaptation processes of water towers: Germany, Sweden, Norway, Great Britain, Austria, Spain, Finland, Poland, Belgium, Russia, Moldova, USA, South Africa, Australia, etc. Water towers are the emphasis of development. These industrial buildings are suitable for adapting to a variety of functions. Renovation of historical water towers is an integral part of the modern development of the urban environment, influences on the economic, social, cultural, psychological, aesthetic spheres of life.
E.Yu. AGEEVA, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
N.A. GOGOLEVA, Candidate of Architecture (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (65, Il’inskaya Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Ageeva E.Yu., Gogoleva N.A. Renovation of water towers: typological analysis. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2019. No. 1–2, pp. 19–29. DOI: (In Russian).