Eco-Sustainable View on Integration of Innovation Technologies in Construction

Number of journal: 5-2019

Remizov A.N.
Egoriev P.O.

УДК: 624


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The project of a completely non-volatile building with improved medical and biological indicators of the internal environment is proposed. The project is based on the original architectural solution, new and well-known engineering, biological and construction technologies. The method of system analysis for their mutual integration into a single engineering complex is proposed. The reasons that constrain the development of innovations in the construction industry are analyzed. Information is given about the perspective technological decisions proven in practice under climatic conditions of the Russian Federation which are completely ready to mass application and realization of objects of construction of new technological generation. The original architectural solution of the double open dome, which makes it possible to transform it into a highly efficient power plant, is proposed. The principles of combining elements of a solar power plant and an air infrared solar collector based on an infrared heat trap and promising technical solutions to reduce heat loss through translucent structures and improve the distribution of fresh supply air in the volume of inhabited premises are shown. A specific scheme of improvement of the fresh air by its enrichment with natural phytoncides is proposed. The solution is shown when the building as a whole is a filter of air purification of the city or metropolis. The complex of lighting the building with natural sunlight, even in premises where there are no windows, is proposed. The principles of adaptation of the air heat pump to the Northern climatic conditions are shown. The complex of vegetative plants for green roofs, providing bio-correction impact on the internal climate of the building is selected. The project is not a promising concept. All the proposed technological solutions are well developed separately on real objects on the territory of the Russian Federation, certified and can be practically implemented.
A.N. REMIZOV1, Architect, Chairman of Council on eco-sustainable architecture (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
P.O. EGORIEV2, General Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 Union of Architects of Russia (12 Granatny per., 123001, Moscow, Russian Federation)
2 Innovation-Introduction Center OOO “EnergoServisConsalting” (7, bldg. 1, Semenovskaya sq., 119072, Moscow, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Remizov A.N., Egoriev P.O. Eco-sustainable view on integration of innovation technologies in construction. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2019. No. 5, pp. 17–24. (In Russian). DOI: