Engineering Solutions Implemented During the Great Patriotic War

Number of journal: 5-2018

Umnyakov P.N.

УДК: 692.842

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Space-planning, structural concepts and ventilation systems of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army (former the Red Army Theatre) built in the end of 1930s in Moscow are considered. This building was the first theatre built after 1917, that’s why many solutions, both space-planning and structural, as well solutions of engineering systems were adopted by Soviet designers for the first time. The article also presents the space-planning solutions of dugout-bomb shelters and ventilation systems of bomb-shelters in which the inhabitants of Moscow escaped from the bombing. Some episodes of the end of the Great Patriotic War connected with the mine clearing of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin in May 1945 are given.
P.N. UMNYAKOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)

Art Institute of Restoration (3, bldg.4, N.Bauman Township, 105037, Moscow, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Umnyakov P.N. Engineering solutions implemented during the Great Patriotic war. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2018. No. 5, pp. 25–28. (In Russian). DOI: