- non-linear properties of concrete
- "glass"
- "hood"
- "smart" house
- “My District” program
- “typical” year
- “up-down” method
- 3D construction printing
- 3D technology
- 3D-geotechnics
- 3D-printer
- 3D-printing of buildings
- absolutely rigid pile-ground base
- acoustic comfort
- acoustic separation of claddings and middle layer
- acoustics of premises
- acrylate gels
- active experiment
- actual sediment
- adaptation of object of cultural heritage for contemporary exploitation
- adaptation to modern use
- adapting the volume of water towers to different functions
- additional claddings
- additional deformations
- additional deformations of buildings and structures
- additional precipitation of buildings
- additional soundproofing
- additive construction manufacturing
- additive technologies in construction
- additive technologies in construction and architecture
- additive technology
- adhesion strength
- administrative reform
- administrative-territorial unit
- aerated concrete
- aero-physical simulation
- aerodynamic interference
- aerodynamic resistance
- aerodynamics
- affordable and comfortable housing
- aggressive environment
- air balance of room
- air conditioning
- air cooler
- air door
- air dryer
- air ducts
- air exchange
- air exchange devices
- air mode of building
- air permeability
- air rate in ducts
- airborne noise
- airborne noise insulation index
- airborne sound insulation index
- albedo
- algorithmic design
- alternative energy
- alternative energy sources
- Ambient elements
- American architecture
- Amur Bridge
- analysis
- analytical and numerical solutions
- analytical calculation method
- analytical solution
- analytical solution of the problem of settlement and bearing capacity of a round stamp
- anchor «Atlant»
- anchor pile
- anchoring
- ancient man
- angle of incidence of solar radiation
- Ani
- animal skeletal bones
- annual course
- anthropogenic environment
- anthropogenic impact
- anti-filtration curtain
- anti-resonant panel
- apartment layouts
- apartment layouts (apartment mapping)
- apartment reserves
- apartment unit
- approaches
- approximation of the light transmission coefficient
- aqua park
- aquifer
- archetype
- architectural and planning solutions
- architectural and stucco decorations of buildings
- architectural and technical height
- architectural attractiveness
- architectural design
- architectural environment
- architectural excesses
- architectural expressiveness of buildings
- architectural forms
- architectural heritage
- architectural lighting
- architectural monument
- architectural shaping
- architectural space
- architecture
- architecture of dwelling houses
- architecture of suburban private residential houses
- area
- artificial and natural lighting
- artificial anthropogenic environment
- artificial lighting
- artistic and stylistic searches
- assessment of karst-suffusion danger
- assessment of the environmental situation
- Athens Charter
- atmospheric air research
- atrium buildings
- attic floor
- attribute material
- automated monitoring
- automation
- automation of design
- availability
- average monthly air temperature
- average pressure
- axial compression
- azimuth angle of the Sun
- back analysis
- barrette
- basalt plastic rebar
- base block section
- base slab
- basic block-section
- bearing and enclosing structures
- bearing capacity
- bearing insulating element
- bearing structures
- Belarus
- bender elements
- bending element
- bending moment calculation
- bending reinforced concrete elements
- bentonite mixtures
- bentonite slurry
- biaxial bending
- BIM (Building Information Modeling) modeling
- BIM-manager
- BIM-standards
- BIM-technology
- biocorrosion
- biodegradable fungi
- biodegradation
- Black Sea basin
- bolted joint
- bond
- bone dwelling
- bored electric discharge (ERТ) piles
- bored pile
- bored pile with widening
- bored piles
- bored piles ERT
- bored-injected piles ERT
- bored-injection pile
- bored-injection piles
- borehole
- boundary conditions
- brick
- brick cladding of metal columns
- bridge construction
- Brinell method
- British special services
- building
- building aerodynamics
- building envelope
- building facades
- building frame
- building industry
- building life cycle
- building materials
- building microclimate
- building objects
- building physics
- building sector
- building structure
- building structures
- buildings
- buildings energy efficiency
- built-in enterprises
- bulding
- bulk soils
- cable laying in ground
- cable laying machine
- cable-stayed coverings
- cable-stayed systems
- CAD in construction
- calculated sediment
- calculation
- calculation method
- calculation methods
- calculation mode for ventilation
- calculation of noise in air ducts
- calculation of noise in large channels
- calculation of temperature effect
- calculation of traffic flows
- calculation point
- calculation software complexes
- calculations of noise in air ducts
- campus
- capital construction facilities
- capital construction object
- capital costs
- carbon fabric
- cartographic material
- cartography
- cassette unit
- cast-in-situ pile
- category of technical condition
- Catherine II
- caulking seams and cracks
- causes and consequences of an earthquake
- causes of building collapse
- cellular concrete
- cellular concrete blocks
- cellular concrete blocks of autoclave hardening
- cement
- cementation
- cementing nozzles
- centrally compressed samples
- ceramic brick
- chain of city blocks
- chemical composition
- Chinese garden
- Chinese garden design
- chlorella
- choice of the shoring excavation technology
- christianity
- church
- city
- city boundaries
- city functions
- city structure
- classicism
- clerestory
- climate
- climate warming
- climatic chambers
- climatic conditions
- climatic parameters
- climatic zoning for construction
- cloudiness
- coarse aggregate
- codes of practice
- coefficient of radiation
- coefficient of relative subsidence
- coefficient of renovation
- coefficient of resettlement
- coefficient of thermal-technical uniformity
- collapse
- column order
- column-crossbar assembly
- combination of loads
- combination of outdoor air parameters
- comfort
- comfort air-humidity conditions
- comfortable conditions
- comfortable environment
- comfortable lighting environment
- commercial and public buildings
- commissioning schedule
- competitions
- competitiveness
- complex approach
- complex engineering and geological conditions
- complex floor slabs
- complex of thematic leisure of youth
- complex scheme of engineering support
- composite casings
- composite gypsum concrete
- composite material
- composite materials
- composite polymeric reinforcement
- composition
- composition binders
- compositional and planning features
- comprehensive scientific research
- compressed tube-reinforced concrete element
- compression phase
- computer modeling
- computer program of calculation of hall acoustics
- concept
- Concept of technological development
- concrete
- concrete hardening
- concrete mix
- concrete mixture
- concrete mixture composition
- concrete structures
- condensation zone
- confirmation of compliance
- consequences forecast
- consistent development compaction
- console
- construction
- construction 3D printing
- construction 3D-printer
- construction climatology
- construction complex of Moscow
- construction composites
- construction control
- construction cost
- construction industry
- construction market
- construction materials
- construction of metro structures
- construction of multi-storey buildings and structures
- construction of underground structures in historical built- up parts of the city
- construction science
- construction speed
- construction stages
- construction system
- constructive solution
- consumer qualities
- contact model
- contact pressure
- contact stress
- content and form
- contextualism
- continuity control
- continuity of the anti-filtration curtain
- continuous formless molding
- continuous medium model
- continuous overlap
- continuous productive urban landscape
- control levels
- convective transport
- conveyor
- cooling of building
- cooling period of buildings
- cooperation with leading European manufacturers
- core
- core of foundation model
- core strength
- coronavirus infection
- correlation
- corrosion destruction of building structures and parts of buildings
- corrosion resistance
- cost
- cost optimization
- cost rationing
- Coulomb-Mohr strength theory
- crack formation
- cracks
- creep displacements
- Crimea
- Crimean bridge
- criterion
- critical pressure gradient
- cross section of ducts
- crushed stone columns
- cryolithic zone
- cryolithozone
- cubic strength
- cultural heritage
- cultural heritage object
- cultural heritage object (CHO)
- cultural heritage objects
- cultural heritage site
- cultural-landscape complex
- culture
- cumulative discounted costs
- curtain wall
- cut-off waterproofing
- dacha
- damages
- damping
- damping by Relay
- damping of soils
- dangerous effects
- dangerous natural phenomena
- dangerous structures
- Danilyuk graphs
- data analysis
- data generation algorithms
- data uncertainty
- database
- daylight factor
- decision making methods
- declination of the Sun
- deep excavation
- deep mixing of soil
- deep pit
- deepening of underground part
- defect
- defects of metal structure
- defects of structures
- definitions
- deformable base
- deformation
- deformation modulus
- deformations
- degree day of the heating period
- degree days
- degree of significance
- degree-day
- demographic processes
- dense urban development
- dense utban development
- depth of room
- design
- design height
- design methodology
- desired benefits
- destruction
- destruction of support unit
- development
- development density
- development influence
- development of Moscow Region territories
- development reglamentation
- diagram of the annual temperature
- diagrammatic calculation method
- dielcometric method
- differential settlements
- differentiation
- difficult soil conditions
- diffuse solar radiation
- diffusive transport
- digital competencies
- digital database
- digital information models (DIM)
- digital marking of accompanying documents
- digital model of construction
- digital modeling of buildings
- digital technologies
- digital terrain modeling
- digital twins
- digitalization of design and production
- direct solar radiation
- directive deadlines
- Dirichlet boundary conditions
- discharge-pulse technologies
- discrete and flexible connections
- dismantling
- dissipation
- distant estates
- dome construction
- dormitory of a higher educational institution
- double enclosing structures
- double-layer outer panel
- DPT anchor
- drain pile
- drainage
- drift diodes with sharp recovery
- drilling pile EDT
- drilling-injection piles
- driven pile
- driven piles
- driven round hollow pile
- driveways
- dublicate power supply system
- ductile connections
- durability
- durability of wood
- duration
- duration of relocation and demolition of apartment buildings
- dwelling
- dwelling house
- dynamic analysis
- dynamic load
- dynamic modulus of elasticity
- dynamic parameters
- dynamic parameters of soils
- dynamic soil viscosity
- dynamic tests
- dynamic triaxial tests
- dynamic viscosity of soil
- dynamics of soils
- dynamometric method
- earth-concrete pile
- earthen pit
- earthquake
- earthquake activity surge period
- earthquake intensity scale
- earthquake resistance
- earthquake-prone territory
- eco-development
- eco-environment
- eco-recreation
- eco-restorations
- eco-standard
- eco-sustainable design
- ecological and recreational space (ERS)
- ecological construction
- ecological crisis
- ecological problems of region
- ecology
- economic efficiency
- economics
- economy of energy resources
- ecopolis
- EDT bored pile
- EDT ground anchors
- EDT round anchors
- education
- educational buildings
- educational institution
- effective demand
- effective depth of section
- effective foundations
- efficiency
- efficient design
- Egypt
- elastic problem
- elastic waves methods
- elastic-plastic base
- electric discharge (ERТ) anchors
- electric discharge technology
- electric discharge technology ERT
- electric discharge technology of EDT
- electric-discharge technology (EDT)
- electro-discharge technology
- electro-hydraulic shock
- electro-hydraulics
- electrohydraulics
- elements of circular cross-section
- Elizabeth lady Craven
- emergency design situation
- emergency explosive effects
- emergency operation
- emergency prevention
- emergency situations
- empiric methodology
- Employer Information Requirement
- emtiness
- enclosing building structures
- enclosing structure
- enclosing structures
- enclosing structures of buildings
- encumbrances in profit of the state
- energy
- energy capacity
- energy consumption
- energy consumption for heating and ventilation
- energy costs
- energy efficiency
- energy efficient materials
- energy expenditures
- energy saving
- energy saving class
- energy unit
- energy-saving glazing
- energy-saving technologies
- engineering
- engineering and geological elements
- engineering preparation
- engineering seismic
- engineering systems
- engineering tasks
- engineering-geologic element
- engineering-geological and geotechnical investigations
- engineering-geological and restoration-construction conditions of site
- enlarged network model
- enthalpy
- entilated faade
- entry
- environment
- environment of interiors of «green building»
- environmental friendliness
- environmental solutions
- environmental support
- equation system of Hencky
- equipment
- equivalent housing
- ergonomics
- ERT drilling piles
- ERT drilling-injection piles
- ERT ground anchors
- especially constrained geotechnical conditions
- estimation of population density of Moscow as a whole
- estimation of population density of Moscow districts
- estimation of population density of residential blocks of Moscow
- ethno-Chinese design
- ethno-ecology
- ethno-restorations
- Eulerian grids
- evaporative cooling
- event evaluation
- evicted houses
- evolution
- evolutionary algorithms
- excavation enclosure
- exchange rate
- exemplary projects
- existing fencing
- expansion
- expansion (swelling) of wood
- expansion of urban space
- experience
- experimental studies
- experimental-computational method
- express method
- exterior
- external balcony glazing
- external building envelopes
- external climate
- external enclosing structures
- external reinforcement system
- external wall panel
- external walls
- externally bonded reinforcement
- externally bonded reinforcement system
- extract ventilation
- extraction of sheet piles
- extreme loads
- extruded polystyrene foam
- extruding
- facade
- façade reinforced concrete panel
- facade translucent structures
- facades of orthodox churches
- factor
- factor system
- factory
- factory production technology
- factory readiness
- failure probability
- falsified construction products
- fast construction
- favorable living environment
- faсade glazing
- feasibility assessment
- Federal law
- federal project
- fences with a flexible slab on the offset
- fiber reinforced polymer
- fiber-optic cable
- fiberglass plastic rebar
- field studies
- field testing
- field tests
- filling insulant
- financial policy
- financing mechanism
- finishing materials
- finite element method
- finite elements method
- first principle of using permafrost soils
- first skyscrapers
- five-day period
- fixed formwork
- flange connections
- flat air shock wave front
- flat coaxial punches
- flexible apartment layouts
- flexible connection
- flexible connections from glass-fiber reinforcement
- flexible plates on the relative
- flexible technologies
- flexural members
- flood
- flooding of territories
- floor
- floors
- foam blocks
- foam glass
- foam glass plates
- foam gypsum
- foamed glass
- foamed polyethylene
- foams
- forces and deformations of pile foundation
- forecast of base deformations
- forecast settlements
- foreign architecture
- foreign experience
- form
- formalized model
- formwork
- fortress city
- foundation
- foundation design
- foundation model
- foundation on natural base
- foundation plate
- foundation sediment
- foundations
- foundations of buildings and structures
- four-sided periodic profile
- Fourier equation
- fractured rock soils
- fragment of stone masonry
- frame buildings
- frame house
- frame stability
- frame-panel elements
- frame-panel housing construction
- frame-sheathing walls
- frameless sandwich-panel
- free lay-outs
- free layout of flats
- free vibrations
- freezing front
- frequency spectrum of impacts
- frost resistance
- frozen ground resistance to shear along the side surface of the pile freezing
- frozen ground resistance under the lower end of the pile
- frozen soil
- full-scale measurements
- full-scale tests
- functional planning organization
- functional purpose
- functional zoning
- functionality
- furniture
- gamma-percentage resource
- gas-air channels
- gas-air systems
- gaseous pollutants
- geo-ecological factors
- geo-information system
- geo-technical cut-off screen
- geo-technical monitoring
- geodetic monitoring
- geographic latitude
- geological period
- geometric nonlinearity
- geopolitical positioning
- geosyncline
- geotechnical construction
- geotechnical engineering
- geotechnical forecast
- geotechnical justification
- geotechnical monitoring
- geotechnical risks
- geotechnical technology
- Get-technology
- glazed balcony
- glazing in separate covers
- glazing selection criteria
- glued veneer panel
- glued wood
- granulated foam glass ceramics
- graph-analytical solution
- Greek project
- green building standard
- green certification of buildings
- green construction
- greened space
- greening of buildings
- Grigory Potemkin
- grillage-pile foundation
- ground anchors
- ground anchors of EDT
- ground vibrations
- ground-cement piles
- group approach
- hanging systems
- Hardening Soil
- hardness
- hazardous natural exposures
- hazardous natural impacts
- health protection
- healthcare
- healthcare facilities
- healthcare system
- healthy lifestyle
- heat and humidity ratio
- heat availability from people
- heat dissipation in premise
- heat excesses
- heat flux
- heat gain
- heat gains
- heat loss
- heat protection
- heat pumps
- heat receipts
- heat supply
- heat transfer
- heat transfer coefficient
- heat transfer coefficient by radiation and convection
- heat-shielding indicators
- heating
- heating of building
- heating oven
- heating period
- height
- heritage
- heritage site
- high rise buildings
- high speed of construction
- high water
- high-functional concrete
- high-functional concretes (NSC)
- high-precision equipment
- high-pressure pump
- high-rise building
- high-rise construction
- high-rise residential buildings
- high-rise warehouse
- higher education institution
- higher educational institution
- higher educational institutions
- hinge
- hinged ventilated facade
- historical and architectural heritage
- historical building
- historical center
- historical city
- historical development
- historical industrial zone
- historical objects
- historical territories
- historicism
- history
- history of architecture
- history of construction
- hollow ceramic brick
- hollow mirrored tubular light guides
- hollow tubular light guide
- hollow-core floor slab
- homogeneity
- Hooke’s law
- horizontal anti-filtration screen
- horizontal displacements
- horizontal loading
- hostel
- hot arid areas
- house
- house church
- house kit
- house of culture
- house set
- house sets
- house-building factory
- house-building plant
- household ovens
- housing
- housing affordability
- housing architecture
- housing comfort classes
- housing construction
- housing construction with flexible apartmentography
- housing market
- housing mortgage lending
- housing stock
- housing under construction
- hrust bearing
- humidifier
- humidity
- humidity potential
- humidity regime
- hybrid lighting complex
- hydraulic binder
- hydro-geological conditions
- hydroactive polyurethanes
- hydrophilicity
- icon
- identification
- identity
- Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR)
- impact assessment
- impact zone
- imperfection of calculation methods
- imperfection of design solutions
- import substitution
- import substitution program
- improvement
- improvement of housing conditions
- increase in number of storeys
- individual housing construction
- indoor air
- indoor air quality
- industrial city
- industrial construction
- industrial construction technologies
- industrial house-building
- industrial housing construction
- industrial production
- industrial technological order
- industrial zones
- Industry 4.0
- inertial and resonant sound transmission
- inertial sound transmission
- infectious hospital
- infological model
- information and numerical technologies
- information model
- information modeling
- information systems
- information technologies
- information-analytical materials
- infrared thermographic testing of buildings
- inhabited houses
- inhomogeneous shell
- initial drawdown pressure
- initial surface
- injection mixes
- inner surface
- innovation
- innovations
- innovative potential
- insographic
- insolation
- insolation of hospital premises
- inspection
- insulation
- integrated development
- integrated engineering approach
- Integration
- inter-floor connections
- inter-room partitions
- interaction of building and foundation
- interdisciplinary communications
- interior
- interior space
- internal climate of building
- internal heat stability of the room
- internal loss and energy coupling coefficients
- inventory casing pipe with self-extracting tip
- ion-plasma processing
- iron-stone structures
- irradiation energy
- items of cultural heritage
- ivan
- jet cementation
- jet cementation of soils
- jet grouting
- jet grouting of soil
- jet grouting of soils
- jet-diaphragm
- joint
- joint calculation of buildings and foundations
- joint calculations
- joint calculations of building and foundation
- joint work
- joints
- karst processes
- karsts
- Kerch Fortress
- Kerch Strait
- key indicators
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Khabarovsk city
- Kuban
- laboratory tests
- lack of industrial capacity
- landscape
- landscape-nature space
- landscape-recreational space
- landscaping
- landslides
- lapping
- large urbanized territories
- large-panel buildings
- large-panel housing
- large-panel housing construction
- large-panel residential buildings
- large-size module
- large-span structures
- laser scanning
- latitudinal and meridional orientation of house
- layer thickness
- layer-by-layer summation
- layered elements
- leaders of postmodernism
- ledge
- leisure
- leisure functions
- level layout
- level of development
- life cycle
- life cycle analysis
- life cycle cost
- life cycle of the capital construction object
- life of people
- light aperture
- light concrete
- light concrete structures
- light conditions
- light opening
- light partitions
- light receiving device
- light steel thin-walled structures
- lighting device
- lightweight partition
- lightweight partitions
- lightweight steel-framed structures
- limit axial deformation
- limit of commissioning
- limit state
- limit states of structural objects
- linear vibration isolated connections
- linearly-deformed layer of finite thickness
- liquidation grouting
- Lira service
- list of objects of protection
- living environment
- living space
- load
- loads and actions
- loads and impacts
- loads on curtain walls
- local asymmetry of the resulting temperature
- location of the Sun
- loggia
- long term frozen soils
- long-term compressive strength
- long-term shear strength
- long-term strength
- loop joint
- loop joints
- loss of health
- low emission glazing
- low-e glass
- low-emission coating
- low-rise construction
- low-rise housing construction
- lull in seismic activity
- luminous flux
- machine parks
- macroeconomic factors
- magnitude
- main gas pipeline
- major repairs
- major repairs of apartment buildings
- mammoth fauna
- man-made and social disasters
- management decisions
- manor
- manor and park complexes
- manor buildings
- map
- mapping
- marketing practices
- masonry
- masonry mortar
- masonry strength under compression
- mass
- mass construction
- master plan
- master’s degree training
- material consumption
- Mathcad calculation complex
- mathematical model
- mathematical model of renovation
- mathematical modeling
- mathematical statistics
- maximum design earthquake
- measurements
- measuring control
- mechanical activation
- mechanical properties of metal
- mechanical safety monitoring
- medieval Armenia
- metal casing
- metal constructions
- metal profile
- metal truss
- metallographic investigations
- method of acoustic design
- method of analogues
- method of deep soil compaction
- method of expert assessment
- method of laying bricks
- method of wave theory of impact
- methodological aspects
- metro
- micro piles
- micro-cements
- microclimate
- microstructure and macrostructure
- microtunneling
- midday voyage
- military engineer
- minimal housing
- Minsk lunette
- mirror-diffuse reflection of sound
- mobile structures
- model
- model of implementation of renovation program
- modeling
- modern
- modern architecture of embankments
- modern needs of students
- modern technologies
- modernization
- modernization of large-panel housing construction
- modernization of large-panel housing construction and construction industry plants
- modified soil
- modular construction
- modular house building
- modular principle of designing block-sections
- moisture content
- moisture exchange
- moisture transfer
- monitoring
- monitoring of urban transformations
- monolithic reinforced concrete
- monolithic reinforced concrete grillage
- monotony of the facade
- monsoonal climate
- Monte Carlo method
- monument
- monument of wooden architecture
- morphology of the coastal zones
- mortar separation
- mortgage
- moving train
- multi-span overlap
- multi-storey residential buildings
- multifactorial assessments
- multifunctional and sun-protective glazing
- multifunctional complex
- multiple regression equation
- multipurpose halls
- municipal management
- Murmansk region
- museums
- mutual influence of buildings
- nanocoating
- nanomaterials
- nanotechnology
- national project
- national urban region
- natural components of environment
- natural foundation
- natural framework of the city
- natural hazards
- natural illumination
- natural illumination coefficient (KEO)
- natural light
- natural lighting
- natural ventilation
- natural ventilation system
- natural water research
- near the tunnel structures
- neoclassicism
- neotraditionalism
- Neumann boundary conditions
- neutral axis
- new buildings
- Nizhny Novgorod region
- noise
- noise absorption
- noise calculation
- noise calculation methods
- noise calculations
- noise characteristic forecast
- noise characteristics
- noise emission by chimneys
- noise impact on the building
- noise impacts
- noise measurement
- noise mode of premises
- noise of industrial enterprises
- noise of power objects
- noise of thermal power plants
- noise protection
- noise protection means
- noise regime of premises
- noise shields
- non-constant noise
- non-destructive methods
- non-flat foundation
- non-linear gas dynamics
- non-metallic reinforcement
- non-residential real estate
- non-shrink mortar
- non-stationary heat transfer
- non-uniform deformations
- non-uniformity of deformations
- non-volatile building
- nonlinear deformation model
- nonlinear models
- normal adhesion
- normative document
- normative level of non-conformities
- norms of construction physics
- North Yemen
- nothern region
- Novorossiya
- numerical analysis of structural systems
- numerical calculation methods
- numerical calculations
- numerical modeling
- numerical simulation
- numerical solution
- numerical studies
- object
- object of cultural heritage
- objects of education and health care
- objects of protection
- ocean crust
- offices
- open dome
- open method
- operating costs
- operating system
- operation
- operation conditions
- operation of machines and mechanisms
- Operational
- operational reliability of enclosing structures
- opposing building
- optimization of design solutions
- options of heat protection
- order system
- organization of design
- organization of practices
- organizational and technological design
- organizational and technological documentation
- organizational structure
- organizational-economic model of renovation
- orientation
- orthodox church
- Ottoman Empire
- outdoor climate
- overcut
- overhead power lines
- overlap
- p-box
- pace voltage
- packer-conductor
- palace of culture
- pallet beam
- panel houses
- panel-monolithic house
- panel-monolithic housing construction
- panoramic glazing system
- parameters of internal microclimate
- parametric design
- parking species provision
- partial historicism
- particularly constrained geotechnical conditions
- particularly cramped geotechnical conditions
- partitions
- passive methods
- passive protection
- patent
- peak horizontal and vertical acceleration
- performance characteristics
- perimeter development
- permafrost
- permafrost soil
- permafrost soils
- personnel qualifications
- petroleum products
- photoelectric spectral analysis method
- photofixation
- photogrammetry
- physical and moral wear
- physical culture
- physical non-linearity of reinforced concrete
- physical-mathematical model
- physical-mechanical properties of soils
- pile
- pile base
- pile detachment
- pile driven in a predrilled hole
- pile foundation
- pile foundations
- pile head displacement
- pile heel
- pile settlement
- pile slippage
- pile-barrettes
- pile-bearing capacity
- pile-drain
- pile-slab foundation
- pile-soil interaction
- piles
- piles of ERT
- piles-ERT
- pillow of modified polyurethane
- pipe casing
- pipe concrete
- pipe thrust and furnace stack effect
- pipelines
- pit
- pit enclosure
- pit excavation
- plane problem statement
- planken
- planning
- planning structure
- plant capacity
- plant for production of plants
- plastic deformation
- plate heat recovery unit
- plate recuperator
- plate with interstitial strengtheners
- plate-base interaction
- Plaxis
- Plaxis calculation complex
- pliable base
- pliable pile-ground base
- plinth
- point clouds
- point vibration isolated connection
- pollution with heavy metals and oil products
- polyethylene foam
- polymer
- polymer additive
- polymer cement mortar
- polymer material
- polystyrene concrete
- popularization of healthy lifestyle
- Portland cement
- postmodernism
- potential
- powder-activated concretes (RPC)
- power frame
- pre-compressed concrete
- pre-fabricated module buildings
- pre-hooped concrete
- pre-stressed floor slab
- pre-stressed reinforcement
- precast concrete
- precast elements
- precast reinforced concrete
- precast-monolithic frame
- predictive systems
- prefabricated buildings
- prefabricated houses
- prefabricated modular structure
- prefabricated monolithic frame
- prefabricated reinforced concrete
- prefabricated-monolithic joints
- premises of civil buildings
- premises of objects
- presentation material
- preservation
- preservation of cultural heritage objects
- preservation of health
- preservation of monuments
- pressure balance
- pressure distribution in furnace system
- pressure loss
- prestressed floor slab
- principles
- principles of planning of rooms of sleeping buildings
- principles of space organization
- probabilistic and statistical model
- probabilistic design
- probabilistic-statistical model
- process automation
- production of building materials
- program of renovation
- program of renovation of housing stock in Moscow
- program of renovation of the housing stock of Moscow
- progressive collapse
- property developers obligations
- protected polyethylene pipe
- protection of human life
- protection of human life and health
- protection of life and health of people
- protection of lives and health of people
- protection of peoples life
- protection of settlements
- protective and strengthening compositions
- protective measures
- psychology
- public and commercial buildings
- public buildings
- public space
- public-private partnership
- pulse-discharge technology PDT
- purification efficiency
- Python
- quality
- quality criteria
- quality of the light environment
- quasi-cylindrical sound waves
- quasi-static setting
- rack structures
- radial pressure
- radiant heat exchange
- radiation temperature
- radiator
- radon
- radon situation
- radon situation in premise
- railway transport
- rammed pit
- ramp
- ranking
- rarefaction phase
- rating
- rational design solution
- rationing
- ravine
- re-equipment
- real estate
- real estate market
- reasonable sufficiency
- reclamation of industrial zones
- reconstruction
- reconstruction of historical buildings
- recreation environment
- recreation zones
- recreation-landscape environment
- recreational landscape space
- recreational load
- recreational space
- redistribution of forces
- reduced costs
- reduced impact noise level
- reduced resistance to heat transfer
- reducing the number of installation operations
- reflected component
- reflecting heat insulation
- regional aspect
- regional tectonics
- regulations
- regulatory document
- regulatory relations between authorities and compay-developers
- regulatory requirements
- reinforced concrete
- reinforced concrete beams
- reinforced concrete frame
- reinforced concrete module
- reinforced concrete products
- reinforced concrete radio and television tower
- reinforced concrete slab with pre-stressed reinforcement
- reinforced concrete slabs
- reinforced concrete structures
- reinforced concrete structures in cold climate
- reinforced concrete structures on permafrost soils
- reinforced concrete volumetric modules
- reinforcement
- reinforcement of the base
- reinforcement with vertical reinforced concrete elements
- reinforcing
- reinforcing bar
- relative humidity
- relaxation test
- relaxation-creep test
- relaying
- reliability
- relocation monitoring
- renewable energy sources
- renovation
- renovation approach
- renovation duration
- renovation of quarters
- renovation of residential areas
- renovation of water towers for housing
- renovation program
- repair of buildings
- repairing bricks
- repeatability
- repeatability of temperature combinations
- reporting forms
- representative day
- resettled fund
- residential areas
- residential building
- residential buildings
- residential complex
- residential multi-apartment buildings
- residential real estate
- residential real estate market
- resistance to heat transfer
- resonance sound transmission
- resonances
- resonant column
- resonant sound transmission
- restaurants
- restoration
- restoration of architectural heritage objects
- restoration of brickwork
- restoration of buildings
- restoration rules
- resulting temperature
- retaining buried structures
- retaining measures
- retaining wall
- retrospective analysis
- reverberation time
- RF Federal Laws
- RF regulatory documents
- rheological hardening
- rheology
- rigid connection
- rigidity
- risk
- risk assessment
- road-transport problem
- robotic extrusion
- robustness
- rock soil
- romanticism
- room air temperature
- Russia
- Russia's access to the southern seas
- Russian church architecture
- Russian Empire
- Russo-Turkish war
- safety
- safety of products
- Saint Petersburg
- salary level
- Sanaa
- sanctions pressure
- sandwich panel
- scaffolding
- Scandinavian board
- Schwartz algorithm
- screw connection
- screwed-in rods
- sculpturality
- seamless coating
- search for optimal solutions
- secondary heating
- security coefficient
- sediment
- segmentation
- seismic
- seismic action
- seismic devices
- seismic hazard
- seismic resistance
- seismic resistance class
- seismic resistance deficiency
- seismological parameters
- selection of environmentally efficient materials
- self-oscillation parameters
- semiotics
- service areas
- settlement
- settlement velocity
- settlements
- shading area
- shadow angle
- shadow angles
- shadow goniometer
- shadow sweep
- shadowing
- shallow foundations
- shallow-depth geophysics
- shape
- shear calculation
- shear deformations
- shear stresses
- shearing force
- sheet pile
- Shibam
- shielding efficiency
- shoe-puncher
- shoe-widener
- shortage of social infrastructure
- shotcreted claddings
- shrinkage
- significance and signedness of architectural forms
- silhouette
- simulation
- simulation of building life cycle
- simulation of panel buildings
- sinkholes
- site selection
- situation plan
- sky openness coefficients
- slab-soil interaction
- slipway
- slurry wall
- small deformations
- smart city
- social cities
- social infrastructure facilities
- social needs of the population
- social responsibility of business
- socially significant objects
- socio-cultural
- socio-ecological
- soft clay soils
- softening factor
- software
- software complex
- soil
- soil cell
- soil cement
- soil deformation properties
- soil improvement
- soil mechanics
- soil model
- soil outbreak ratio
- soil reinforcement
- soil testing
- soil thawing
- soil transformation
- soil-cement element
- soil-cement elements
- soil-concrete pile
- soils
- solar factor
- solar map
- solar panels
- solar radiation
- solid-state modeling of cable-stayed structure attachment points
- Solovetsky Islands
- sorbents
- sound absorption coefficient
- sound energy
- sound insulation
- sound power
- sound pressure levels
- sound-insulating and sound-absorbing channel linings
- soundproofing
- sources of anthropogenic load
- Soviet architecture
- Soviet classicism
- spaces
- span
- spatial organization of the campus
- spatial rigidity
- spatial strategizing
- spatial work of structures
- spatial-planning indicators
- special effects
- specific heat
- specific heat loss
- specific heat protection characteristic
- specifics of the region
- speed of construction
- spherical indenters
- sports facilities
- St. Martyr Tatiana
- St. Petersburg province
- stabilization
- stainless steel embedded part
- stand
- standard construction
- standardization
- state
- state diagram
- state support measures
- static and dynamic loads
- static indentation of sheet pile
- static tests of piles
- statistical analysis
- statistical energy analysis
- steel
- steel concrete structures
- steel truss
- steel-reinforced concrete columns
- Stefan condition
- stepped base
- stiffness of reinforced concrete structures
- storage cost
- storage power supply sources
- strapping monolithic reinforced concrete girth
- street redline
- strength
- strength calculation
- strength of pulp
- strength of soil cement
- strength properties
- strength theories
- strengthening
- strengthening and reinforcement of foundations
- strengthening the base of the pile
- strengthening the health of employees of enterprise
- stress relaxation
- stress state
- stress-strain state
- stresses
- stresses in foundation plate
- stresses in the base
- structural safety
- structural solution
- structural steel
- structural strength
- structural strength of soil
- structure
- structures
- structures with defects
- student dormitories
- style
- stylistic
- sub-urbanization
- subsidence of earth’s surface
- suburbanization
- summary tables
- sun protection
- sun protection devices
- sun-protective device
- supply air opening
- supply device
- supply valve
- supply ventilation
- support measures
- support monitoring
- supporting and enclosing structures
- supports
- surface boundary layer
- surface structure
- surrounding buildings
- surrounding development
- survivability of buildings
- sustainable development
- symbol
- system
- system of equations
- system of geotechnical arrays
- system of physical equations of Genka
- tamping
- tangential stresses plot
- target function
- technical characteristics
- technical committee
- technical condition categories
- technical condition of the structure
- technical inspection
- technical operation of buildings and structures
- technical solution
- technical solutions
- techniques of composition
- technological impact
- technological precipitation
- technological precipitations
- technological settlement
- technological sovereignty
- technologies
- technology
- technology in an aesthetic image
- tectonic discontinuity
- tectonic fault
- tectonic impact
- tectonic processes
- tectonic separation
- temperature
- temperature and humidity conditions of hospital wards
- temperature criteria for evaluating the thermal engineering condition of enclosing structures
- temperature effect
- temperature field
- temperature fields
- temperature loads
- temperature-humidity conditions
- temperature-humidity impacts
- temple
- tensile calculation
- tensile strength of masonry
- tensile test
- terms
- terrace
- terraced buildings
- territorial planning
- territories of developments
- territory
- territory improvement
- test
- testing
- tests
- tests for skewing and stretching of masonry
- textile materials
- the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus
- the condition of destruction
- the latest architecture of China
- the Svetloyar lake
- the village of Vladimirskoye
- thematic rest
- theoretical analysis
- thermal braid
- thermal calculation
- thermal comfort index
- thermal conductivity
- thermal conductivity coefficient
- thermal decomposition
- thermal engineering calculation
- thermal engineering calculations
- thermal engineering characteristics of materials
- thermal engineering tests in a climatic chamber
- thermal heterogeneities
- thermal heterogeneity
- thermal imaging
- thermal imaging diagnostics
- thermal inertia
- thermal influence of the building
- thermal insulation
- thermal non-destructive control
- thermal panel
- thermal panels
- thermal protection
- thermal protection of buildings
- thermal protection properties
- thermal resistance
- thermal stability
- thermal supports
- thermal zoning
- thermal-physical properties
- thermography
- thermogravimetric analysis
- thermos holding
- thin-walled shell
- three variants of heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures
- three-dimensional block
- three-layer panels
- three-layer wall panel
- tilt
- tilting window sash
- timber
- timber frame
- timber house
- timber in architecture of the coastal zones
- timber strip
- time
- time budget
- time lag
- time reduction
- tongue-and-groove blocks
- topographic maps
- total discounted costs
- Totleben
- tourist and recreational cluster
- tower support
- tracking system for the Sun
- tradition
- traditional architecture
- traditionalism
- traditions
- transfer to piles
- transformation
- transformation of premises
- translucent enclosing structures
- translucent facade structures
- translucent facades
- translucent roofs
- translucent structure
- translucent structures
- transnational urban region
- transport
- transport infrastructure
- transport noise
- transverse (cross) overlap
- transverse bending
- transverse walls
- tray soil research
- trench laying method
- trenchless installation
- trenchless laying method
- trends
- trial hole
- triangular stamp
- tunnel
- tunnel structures
- tunnel-boring machine
- turbine unit
- two-sided profile
- types of blocks “glass”
- types of tourism
- typological analysis of realized projects of renovation of water towers
- typology of civil architecture
- ultimate force
- ultrabroadband sounding
- ultrasound
- undercut
- underground construction
- underground parkings
- underground space
- underground structures
- underground urbanistic
- underlying surface
- underworking of territory
- uneven precipitation
- uneven settlement
- unevenness of sediment
- uniaxial compression
- uniaxial compression strength
- uniaxial tension
- unified module structures
- unified system of supports and wires
- unilateral freezing method
- unique architecture
- unique buildings and structures
- unit of synchronization
- universal system of large-panel housing construction
- university
- unloading
- unstable slopes
- unsteady thermal conductivity
- upper Pleistocene
- urban acoustics
- urban agriculture
- urban development
- urban environment
- urban environment development
- urban landscape
- urban planning
- urban planning policy
- urban planning principles
- urban regional construction
- urban transport
- urban-planning norms
- urbanism
- urbanization
- urbanized territories
- utilities reconstruction
- vacuuming
- valgang
- value
- valves
- vapor permeability
- variational methods of mechanics
- variative balance model
- ventilated façade
- ventilated underground space
- ventilation
- ventilation system
- verification
- vertical deformations
- vertical settlements
- vibration
- vibration absorption
- vibration criterion
- vibration damper
- vibration extraction of sheet pile
- vibration isolation
- vibration monitoring
- vibration protection of high-precision medical equipment
- vibro-settlement
- vibropiling
- vidmanstett structure
- Vilna lunette
- viscoelasticity
- viscosity coefficient
- viscous medium
- visual forms
- visual inspection
- visual programming
- visualization of scheduling
- Voentorg
- volume loss of soil coefficient
- volumetric composition
- volumetric reinforced concrete block
- wall
- wall in the ground
- wall panels
- walling permeability
- warehouse buildings
- warm contour
- warm period
- water absorption
- water manifestation
- water separation
- water treatment
- waterproofing
- watertightness
- wave construction
- weak clay soils
- weak foundation
- weak soils
- weak waterlogged soil of base
- weather station
- weighting factor
- welded joints
- welding
- wide spacing of load-bearing transverse walls
- widened base from rammed stiff ground material
- width of room
- wind load
- wind loads on buildings
- wind pressure
- wind tunnel test
- wind-driven rain
- window
- window block
- window fasteners
- window structures
- windows
- wood
- wood preservation
- wooden architecture
- wooden base
- wooden elements
- wooden house
- wooden structures
- workability
- world-class campus
- yard
- Yemen
- Yemen typography
- yield strength
- youth
- youth leisure
- zero cycle
- Zhuravsky formula
- zone of influence
- zone of intense deformations